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$1,450 of $15,000 goal
Given by 23 generous donors in around 10 months

I will be heartbroken if I am unable to continue to love and care for Nathan . Please help us live out our lives together


Nathan, my companion dog, was abandoned by people I entrusted to care for him in NZ after I left for the Philippines. He was only saved from euthanasia because his microchip info included my email address. After an anxious and stressful time I was able to organize his transportation to join me here in the Philippines.

We intend to come home to NZ early in 2020. As part of this preparation I researched the requirements to import Nathan back to NZ, and the costs involved. I was shocked and dismayed to learn the process would take up to 8 months, at an estimated cost of $ NZ 15000!!

This amount is far beyond my means as I only receive 50% of my married NZ Superannuation entitlement because I am living overseas.

The alternatives are to leave him here but, believe me, the Philippines isn't a good place for a dog, or have him put to sleep. Having rescued Nathan from an abusive owner when he was 9 months old there's no way I'm going to abandon him now..

Use of funds

Meeting import costs to return Nathan home, including his 6 months required residence in Kuala Lumpur. Any surplus, or if things don't go to plan, will be donated to the SPCA.

Latest update


I have just paid PetAir the deposit required to secure their services. The first booking available in K.L is 17 March, but that allows enough time to complete the export requirements, vaccinations, and tests necessary for Nathan to be exported from the Philippines.

Hopefully Nathan will arrive home in time to enjoy Spring in New Zealand.

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Latest donations

Judith on 18 Dec 2019
I am thrilled to bits. I will certainly help as often as I can. Judith.
Doni on 02 Dec 2019
As Ryan said we've shared and donated in the past, good luck I hope you can make this happen.
Graeme Fawcett

Thank you for your continuing support Doni, I continue to be hopeful. Graeme.

Graeme Fawcett
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Nov 2019
Private Donor
Private Donor on 26 Nov 2019
Ryan on 21 Nov 2019
We’ve been following Nathan for awhile, have shared this and donated but hope this can also help. Best of luck and hope you can get him home x
Graeme Fawcett

Thanks Ryan, Yes, we won't give up, always hoping for a successful result. Thank you for your continued support. Graeme and Nathan.

Graeme Fawcett

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Graeme Fawcett
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This campaign started on 3 Apr 2019 and ended on 31 Jan 2020.