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Help eliminate Polio. $10 donation becomes $30.

$1,050 of $2,000 goal
Given by 23 generous donors in 16 days

A small donation turns into a significant one to help eliminate Polio throughout the world.

Christchurch, Canterbury

The elimination of Polio worldwide is almost there but more funding is required to eliminate it completely. The Papanui Rotary Club currently has a friend in Somalia dispensing polio vaccine to children. See photo above and an article at: www.

We are participating in a world-wide Rotary International program to achieve a target amount by 30 June this year. For every $1 we raise ,the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will donate another $2. Every little helps. This is the chance for you to remove Polio from the future of our children.

About us

Rotary Club of Papanui was chartered in 1958. We are part of Rotary International, one of the world's largest and most trusted charitable organisations. We currently have 34 active members who are all dedicated to helping the community.

Use of funds

The elimination of Polio is Rotary International's longest and largest humanity project. This year we have a US$50 million funding target to reach by 30 June. The Gates Foundation will add $100 million. All money raised will go into this fund.

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Some insights into stories about Polio  21 June 2022

Thank you to all who have supported this short Papanui Rotary fundraiser to help toward the elimination of Polio. The initiative is progressing very nicely.

Some donors have shared their family Polio stories. They are sad when you think the impact this has had on so many people in NZ. You can see them if you read through the donors on the Give a Little page.

Others (who didn’t donate) sent comments saying that they thought Polio had already been eliminated world-wide. Sadly this is not the case. We’re close but still some cases appearing in a few countries.

If you search “End Polio Now” on the internet you will be able to read some fascinating stories about this project which has been running for over 30 years.

The initial burst of Polio worldwide was tackled by the Government in NZ in the 1950s. All us oldies had a Polio vaccination at school. In those days there didn’t seem to be any consent you just went to school one day and everyone was vaccinated. The photo attached to this update is form the Polio NZ website. This is a good reflection of addressing the issue in the 1950s.

See also the video link to the “We are this close to eliminating Polio” video.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Jun 2022
Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust

This is excellent. We are well past the $1,000 mark so your contribution really helps.

Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust
Mark on 20 Jun 2022
My Father had Polio as a child in the UK and had a withered leg walking with a limp the rest of his life, ending Polio is one of the truly marvelous things I love about Rotary, thank you!
Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust

Hello Mark. Thank you for sharing your story. Many of us have experience of family members and friends who suffered from Polio. We have had feedback from promoting this Give a Little page from people who commented "I thought Polio was already eliminated." If those people search on "End Polio Now" on the Internet they will see that it is still a threat. Thank you for your donation.

Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust
Robert on 19 Jun 2022
Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust

Thank you for a significant donation Robert. Some people have asked about new cases in 2022. One case has been reported in Afghanistan, from Paktika province. Two cases have been reported in 2022, both from North Waziristan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, with paralysis onset on April 9 and April 14. Your donation will help eliminate cases like these in future. Thank you.

Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust
Grant on 19 Jun 2022
Cheers President Grant
Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust

Thank you Grant. $20 turns into $60 which is a significant amount and will immunise 12 - 15 children.

Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust
B Prendergast
B Prendergast on 19 Jun 2022
Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust

Thank you for your very generous donation. A little known fact regarding the world-wide Polio elimination projects is that, in Pakistan, the polio program emphasises hiring local female vaccinators and monitors. More than 21,000 vaccinators, 83 percent of whom are women, are achieving the highest immunisation coverage rates in the country’s history. Thank you again. It is a great cause to help.

Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust (Charity)
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A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 12 Jun 2022 and ended on 28 Jun 2022.