Support my friends who are voluntary helping the Ukrainian refugees to get to safety
I am from Poland, living in NZ for the last 16 years. As I was watching with horror the war in Ukraine for the last 20 days I decided that instead of becoming more depressed each day I rather start helping.
So far, there are 1 600 000 refugees in Poland alone, mostly woman, children, youth, and elderly that managed to escape from destroyed cities and villages.
The lucky ones to be alive get through the border and get taken care of, but not by the Polish government but by people who simply want to help. And there are lots of them. However, it is day 20 (on March 15th).
Among these people are my best friends - Anna and Rafal. They started to organise the fist collection within the first couple of days of the war. From our friends they collected food, clothes, cleaning products, and Rafal took it by his minibus to Dorohusk (Ukrainian border) where he was directed to refugee centre in Rejowiec. The moment he came back he started the next collection. This time with the list of items that were most needed. After tirelessly asking all his friends and known companies-he filled the minibus again and went straight to Rejowiec. He talked to many refugees and local people and all his stories are heartbreaking. After coming back last Friday he started a new collection. And the war continues and I believe my friends and other volunteers are getting physically and emotionally exhausted , they are running out of money and resources.....
Anna and Rafal Wykrota are my best friends since we were 14. They are simply great people trying to make a difference
Blankets (temperatures are still below 0 degree), winter clothes, cleaning and hygiene products, food like cabbage, onions, carrot, potatoes, beetroot, simple school items for children
Help for Ukrainian December 2022 16 December 2022
This is the moment to say thank you very much for all your generosity and support , I was feeling devastated by the horrible le war and at the same time very humbled by response to my plead. I visited Poland in August/September and what was really striking and positive is the presence of Ukrainian people (mostly women and children) in every Polish city and town. Using the local transport I could hear as much Ukrainian language as much as Polish. They found accomodations and jobs and children went to schools. My friends became involved in helping 16 children who came to Poznan only couple of months after the war started. Initially, they help to organise for kids the picnic with really cool attractions and since then they simply help buying everyday items, prepared them to go to school back in September and now buying winter cloths. Every single dollar from the Givealittle page went directly to help people from Ukraine. The page is now closed but I continue to support my friends since the war is not going to finish any time soon and winter in Ukraine without power will cause as many casualties and the bombs