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Help get Laurie Ross to the World Beyond War Conference

$1,001 of $3,500 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in 6 weeks

Please support Laurie Ross of NZ Peacemakers to attend the World Beyond War Conference in Toronto, Canada,Sept 21-22.


United Nations General Assembly High Level Plenary Meeting Promoting the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 26th Sept. 2018

The Peace Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand and the United Nations Association NZ have both declared support for Laurie Ross to attend as an NGO observer at this UN event in New York.

Laurie is honoured to be able to support NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at the Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons ceremony.

She is with other NZ civil society representatives- Alyn Ware the Peace Foundation and UNA NZ International permanent Rep. and Liz Remmerswaal the NZ Coordinator of 'World Beyond War'

In addition, this NZ delegation will be contributing to the 'World Beyond War' Conference in Toronto, Canada 21st Sept. which provides a unifying platform for peace and environmental organisations working to stop the culture of warfare.

Laurie has dedicated her life to peacework that promotes alternatives to warfare, organising Auckland Peace City cultural events and meetings with high level speakers.

She bases her work on the the principles of the United Nations Charter 'to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war...' and pursues this through public education and political action for development of Defence and Foreign policy over 37 years. She works closely with the Peace Foundation International Affairs and Disarmament Committee in communication with MPs in an advocacy role.

She worked with her father Larry Ross who established the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone Peacemaking Association 1981-2007 that spearheaded the campaign which achieved the goal of the NZ Nuclear Free Zone Disarmament and Arms Control Act 1987.

In 2017 she coordinated the Nuclear Free Zone NZ30th anniversary event with the Peace Foundation featuring Auckland Mayor for Peace and leaders from all political parties.

The public formed a giant human peace symbol as a message of support for the UN Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) agreed to by NZ with 122 nations in July 2017 and now ratified by New Zealand July 2018.

She is effective in cultivating national civic pride and commitment to disarmament based on

United Nations Treaties and Resolutions.

She is now focussed on pursuing 'Securing Our Common Future: an Agenda for Disarmament' launched by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres 24th May 2018. It is vital for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals of social and environmental well-being for humanity.

This is an expansion of Goal #16 Peace and Security which calls for dramatic reduction of conventional warfare and military weapon production, which is necessary for global security and to fulfil the United Nations Charter.

People are encouraged to support her financially in order that she may contribute to the growing international movement for a 'World Beyond War' and continue this work on behalf of civil society, the Peace Foundation and the United Nations.

More info: contact

Stephanie McKee's involvement (page creator)

I have known Laurie Ross for over 40 years and she is a dedicated worker for nuclear disarmament and peace. She works also with the NZ Peace Foundation and was very involved with the successful campaign for Nuclear Free New Zealand resulting in our Nuclear Free legislation in 1987. She would make an excellent NZ representative at this World Beyond War conference ( and I want to support her efforts to attend.

Use of funds

Funds will be used to help pay for travel, accommodation and conference costs.

Latest update

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Laurie will be at the UN United Nations General Assembly on 26th September.  16 September 2018

Laurie will be at the UN United Nations General Assembly Promoting the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons on the 26th September. She is honoured to be able to support NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at the Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons ceremony.

The Peace Foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand and the United Nations Association NZ have both declared support for Laurie Ross to attend as an NGO observer at this UN event in New York.

She is with other NZ civil society representatives- Alyn Ware the Peace Foundation and UNA NZ International permanent Rep. and Liz Remmerswaal the NZ Coordinator of 'World Beyond War'

In addition, this NZ delegation will be contributing to the 'World Beyond War' Conference in Toronto, Canada 21st Sept. which provides a unifying platform for peace and environmental organisations working to stop the culture of warfare.

Thank you so much for your donations and support for Laurie to represent us at these global events for Peace.

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Ken McAllister
Ken McAllister on 16 Sep 2018
Daniel Rubin
Daniel Rubin on 13 Sep 2018
Wishing you all the best Lauri, and well done on your unfaltering dedication to the cause of World Peace!
John Gallagher
John Gallagher on 09 Sep 2018
I'm so pleased you are going to the conference. If he was still alive, your father Larry would have wanted to be there. So it is highly fitting that you who have carried on his work with the energy and intelligence that you have can be there to contribute from the perspective of the "Nuclear-Free New Zealand" he did so much to help create
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Sep 2018
Peace work needs support - including from ordinary people who want to see our world change for the better within our lifetime.
Robyn White
Robyn White on 29 Aug 2018

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This campaign started on 19 Aug 2018 and ended on 30 Sep 2018.