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Help get the NZ Blackbots to the World Champs

$1,770 of $40,000 goal
Given by 35 generous donors in 10 weeks

We need to help fundraise up to $40,000 to support these children to attend the International First Lego League Tournament USA, in May.

Hawke's Bay

6 magnificent learners from Mayfair and Lucknow Schools make up the NZ BLACKBOTS who are heading to Legoland California to take on the world to become World Champs at Lego Robotics. We are requiring some like minded individuals and companies to get in behind us and support this amazing opportunity to perform on the world stage! It’s going to cost $40K to get them there with half going towards flights. They will be going up against giants with endless funds like High Tech High, and despite their ripe old age of 10, competing against high schoolers. A genuine David & Goliath batter. We want to Burt Munro the snot out of everyone and charm the crowds with the old kiwi can do attitude. The team has gone to the next level at school in their own time. It is beyond amazing what they have done nationally, so now lets take on the world.

This is what movies are made of. . .

About us

Lucknow School is a small school in the heart of Hawkes Bay. We cater for a diverse range of amazing students, and aim to create amazing learning experiences which inspires and excite our tamariki.

Use of funds

All funds will go 100% to the trip. At this point in time families are straining, and stretching their limits to make it even possible. If we exceed the target the excess money will be put into a fund to help subsidies school camps for those in need.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 May 2019
You are all so awesome
judy & lindsay olsen
judy & lindsay olsen on 08 May 2019
This is for the last raffle- we are number 1 on the next draw.
Local supporter
Local supporter on 04 May 2019
Amazing achievement. Have fun!!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 May 2019
Wellington Pryors
Wellington Pryors on 26 Apr 2019
Best of luck James and your mates! We’re really proud of you and hope you have an awesome adventure. Love Adam, Adele, Arlo, Ethan and Elsa

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This campaign started on 23 Feb 2019 and ended on 10 May 2019.