Help to give Jo Simpson more time with her precious boys

$11,791 donated
Given by 131 generous donors in around 6 months

Help give Jo Simpson more time with her precious boys

Mangere Bridge, Auckland

A massive and heartfelt thanks to all of the amazing people who kindly donated towards Jo's unfunded chemotherapy treatment. The wonderful news is that the treatment (nab-Paclitaxel/Abraxane) is working!!! Jo's cancer remains terminal but the tumours in her liver, lungs and brain have stabilised...which is wonderful news for Jo and her two boys, Luke and Liam. The bad news is that the treatment remains unfunded and incredibly expensive for Jo to cover at a cost of $5k per month. Jo's whānau have been generous with assisting with her ongoing treatment costs but Jo could really really use some extra help to cover this expensive treatment. Naturally Jo would love to stay on this treatment for as long as it is working, to give her as much time as possible with her precious boys. Anything you can give to assist Jo with her ongoing treatment costs (no matter how small) is HUGELY appreciated. Thank you so much!

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Kate Langdon's involvement (page creator)

I am Jo's sister-in-law.

Use of funds

Unfunded chemotherapy treatment (nab-Paclitaxel/Abraxane) for Jo Simpson. Treatment that is working to stabilise her cancer.

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Latest donations

Baz on 14 Feb 2023
Jack on 10 Dec 2022
Elizabeth on 09 Dec 2022
Given with lots of love for you Jo and your boys in the hope that this small amount will help.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Dec 2022
Rodney on 06 Dec 2022
Prayers for remission and healing!

Who's involved?

Kate Langdon's avatar
Created by Kate Langdon
Joanna Simpson's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Joanna Simpson
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This campaign started on 29 Aug 2022 and ended on 28 Feb 2023.