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Help Holly fight Stage 4 Cancer

  • QR code

      9 August 2024
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    Hi Team, a few of you had asked for ways in which you could help out. If you could please share these posters around. Feel free to print a few out and pop them in to your locals; cafes, shops etc the QR will lead you to this page. Every little bit of help takes us a step further so thank you so much 😊

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  • Holly’s 15th round of immunotherapy

      25 July 2024
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    Hi Everyone we wanted to update you on Holly’s challenging journey. She has just had her 15th round of immunotherapy where she also received her next round of daily targeted therapy. She is such a trooper. While these times are very challenging she is giving it her all.

    She’s back home now with her dear cat Milly Mouse to rest up after a busy week.

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