Please help Jo fight to survive
Our beautiful friend Jo was confronted by the cruellest twist of fate – At the time of being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma Jo was working on clinical trials to explore new drug options for this blood cancer and knows the effectiveness of new treatments but they are not available to myeloma sufferers in NZ.
Following three years of chemo and undergoing a stem cell transplant in 2022, which was not successful, further chemo since then had Jo in remission for 18 months but now she’s relapsed.
The best option Jo has now, is a drug called daratumumab which, while funded in 48 other countries, isn't funded in NZ. Without daratumumab, Jo’s treatment options are exhausted, leaving her with a dire prognosis. With the cost at more than $100k per year, Jo needs our help! Please donate as much or as little as you can towards her treatment. Every dollar will help Jo fight this fight.
Jo is a loving mother, daughter, sister and friend to those of us who know and love her, Jo has always cared for others; nursing since age 18 and over the last 25 years working in the area of clinical/drug research to try to improve the lives of people living with cancer and other medical diseases. It is devastating to know that daratumumab is an effective treatment against myeloma and may keep her alive with quality of life several for more years. She is one of the kindest, caring and most compassionate people you’ll meet. She is like that perfect diamond, precious and rare.
I am absolutely blessed to call Jo a friend. She is one of the nicest, kindest and genuine people I have ever had the privilege to know and she is a true inspiration.
All funds will be spent on potentially life saving treatment (daratumumab) for Jo
Happy Christmas message from Jo 26 December 2024
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day. And wish you all a safe, happy and healthy holiday season surrounded by family and friends 🧡
My bloods continue to be pretty stable and no changes to my current treatment are needed 😊Massive thanks to everyone who has donated to my campaign.
You've given me assurance that future treatment will be attainable!
With love, Jo