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Help Luke on his pathway to the Olympics

$5,678 donated
Given by 39 generous donors in around 3 months

Help get 13yo Freeskier from NZ, to the Winter Olympics.

Lake Hāwea, Otago

Luke Harrold is a 13-year-old Freeskier, from Lake Hawea, New Zealand.

He is crazy talented and landing tricks beyond his years spent on the snow.

Because of this he has been selected to travel with the Snow Sports NZ development team to the Northern Hemisphere, for 12 weeks intensive training and competitions, during the NZ off-season.

This is to help cement his pathway to the 2022 Junior World Cup, Junior Olympics and then the 2026 Winter Olympics as the ultimate goal.

Luke is dedicated, focused and the hardest working kid you'll see, he is motivated to be the best he can be.

Brett Harrold's involvement (page creator)

I am Lukes Father. Thank you to anyone willing to help us on this journey with Luke. We appreciate it!

Use of funds

Any money raised will go towards the cost of training in Europe (lift passes, flights, accommodation and coaching fees)

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Latest update

Thankyou everyone  26 April 2022

Thank you to everyone who helped my get over seas, please have a look at my season edit showing what I achieved here is the link.

my season edit

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Latest donations

Richard on 25 Jan 2022
Brett Harrold

thankyou for the support

Brett Harrold
David on 23 Jan 2022
Brett Harrold

thankyou so much

Brett Harrold
Bernie on 23 Jan 2022
Can't wait to see you achieve your dream Luke
Brett Harrold

thankyou means so much

Brett Harrold
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Jan 2022
Can’t wait to see you compete in 2026
Brett Harrold

thankyou so much

Brett Harrold
Debbie on 06 Jan 2022
Brett Harrold

Thank you so much

Brett Harrold

Who's involved?

Brett Harrold's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Brett Harrold on behalf of Luke Harrold
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This campaign started on 2 Dec 2021 and ended on 2 Mar 2022.