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Help Mason's family to be with him this Christmas

  • Update 14 January 2018

      14 January 2018

    Mason has been steadily improving and can now breathe on his own. He has moved from the ICU into an orthopaedic ward in the interim before his transition into the spinal unit for more physio and rehabilitation where he will be for the next 6-12 months. Against the odds, Mason has regained some movement of his limbs, and he is determined to regain more with his positive attitude and the intensive therapy ahead.

    He has surprised a lot of people, including medical staff, with his remarkable progress.

    Lee, Mason and family would like to thank you for all your support. They have been overwhelmed by the messages of encouragement and the incredible generosity of friends, family and strangers.

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  • Update on Mason’s recovery

      23 December 2017

    Mason is still heavily sedated and asleep in ICU and relying on a ventilator to breathe for him. Not a lot of progress at this stage, but also no major setbacks which is good. They are hoping to try to wake him on Christmas Day. Because Mason is a NZer living in Australia, he won't qualify for any financial assistance, so this fundraising page will be crucial for his long road to rehabilitation and recovery.

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    • 01/01/2018 by John

      Hi Michelle, Jill and I are not on social media and very much would like to know more about Mason's progress since the last update on the 23rd of December. If you could either contact us or leave further updates we would appreciate this.



    • 09/01/2018 by Barbara-Lee

      Just checking in to see how things are going for you all. I do hope that Mason is doing well and you are coping with the daily turmoil okay. Sending much love and very best wishes your way. Keep strong and positive!!! xx

  • Mason’s recovery update

      20 December 2017

    Unfortunately the doctors couldn’t take him off sedation yesterday due to a collapsed young. Our love and prayers are with Mason and his Mum and siblings.


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  • Update on Mason 1

      19 December 2017

    Mason's mum and sister are now with him at Princess Alexandra hospital in Brisbane. Today the CCU staff will try to un-sedate Mason to see if he can breathe on his own, and to run more tests. He has briefly opened his eyes a few times which is a good sign. The staff are absolutely amazing.

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