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Help me help myself to live

  • Thankyou!

      8 December 2018

    Wow 259 so far that's amazing! Thankyou so so much! I really appreciate it, someone asked me is it really as hard as I say? My answer, as much as I'd like to say no, is yes, the illness has taken my strength, my muscles are weak and in pain, it is that daily struggle to get to where I'm going, if it rains I have no where to sit, if it's hot, where I have to do daily tasks give me asthma so i must walk further to take another route, it is that hard, i dont let those things stop me of course, but it's a struggle i dont think i should have to face, that's why this is so important to me, i have two choices to give up or put up, i decided to take a third instead and that is fight, with your help i can beat this! So thankyou for all the support remember just one dollar can actually change things....

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