Help me to Help Amee and her family on this tough road

$17,895 of $20,000 goal
Given by 123 generous donors in around 3 months

Support Amee and her family as she continues her journey to overcome this tumour.


After a great weekend of dancing and laughter, Amee duly went to sleep on Sunday the 20 June for Hayden her husband to be woken to this noise that will never leave him, upon turning the light on he turned to Amee to see her blue and struggling to breath as well as convulsing. The ambulance was call and Amee was on her way to hospital. Because Amee had a seizure she has had to surrender her drivers licence for 12 months at this stage. The up side to this is that they are lucky to have extremely supportive families to be able to help out with the children. A long process of elimination scans, tests and a very invasive Biopsy was needed to determine the grade and type of the tumour.

Until treatment starts Amee is experiencing, weakness in her right leg, extreme headaches, and fatigue, which is slowing her down somewhat.

Hayden a self employed fisherman was able to travel back and forward from Wellington for the tests but sadly their three children Bailee 13, Hadley 11 and Jade 8 weren't able to Join Amee and Hayden because of the RSV virus. The extent of the now confirmed tumour is a Oligodendroglioma which is grade two, but as this tumour can not be removed Amee is facing up to 6 weeks away from her friends and family in Wellington having extensive radiation treatment.

Unfortunately Amee has had to take leave from her Kindergarten job for the foreseeable future. This is putting great financial pressure on the family with Hayden having to juggle work, hospital appointments and keeping the house going.

All I ask is that you dig deep and Give a little, every cent counts, this family is strong and will get through this but we can help reduce the financial pressure for them.

Nicola Beaman's involvement (page creator)

Amee is an amazing friend whom doesn't deserve this. This family is always helping everyone else. Its now our turn.

Use of funds

The funds raised will go towards the recuperation during and after Amee's treatment and also her families day to day expenses and living cost.

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Latest update

Just A Wee Update….   9 November 2021

Posted by: Amee Hall

Hi Guys

Would just like to update you all with my plan of where to next. Im waiting to meet my oncology doctor at Wairau Hospital on the 24th of Nov in regards to my 12months of chemo. From here I will get a better picture of what is involved in this and also in the next two and a bit months I will have a Mri to see what the tumour is looking like after the radiation I have just had.

Once again Hayden and I from the bottom of our hearts would love to thank each and everyone of you who has either donated to my give a little and/or supported us in other ways it means so much 💕

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Latest donations

Beattie family
Beattie family on 18 Nov 2021
Amee Hall

Guys thanks so much for that and all your love and support xx

Amee Hall
David & Samantha
David & Samantha on 17 Nov 2021
Amee Hall

Hey guys thanks so much it means lots xx

Amee Hall
Jaffas on 17 Nov 2021
With Immense Love to you all from the Jaffas Michelle, Craig & Sofia
Amee Hall

Thanks guys so much means heaps xx

Amee Hall
Happers on 16 Nov 2021
All our thoughts and wishes for you all
Amee Hall

Thanks so much guys for your love and support xx

Amee Hall
Kathryn on 10 Nov 2021
Amee Hall

Thanks so much it means lots to me and my family xx

Amee Hall

Who's involved?

Nicola Beaman's avatar
Created by Nicola Beaman
Amee Hall's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Amee Hall
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This campaign started on 17 Aug 2021 and ended on 18 Nov 2021.