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Help me to Help Amee and her family on this tough road

  • Just A Wee Update….

      9 November 2021
    Posted by: Amee Hall

    Hi Guys

    Would just like to update you all with my plan of where to next. Im waiting to meet my oncology doctor at Wairau Hospital on the 24th of Nov in regards to my 12months of chemo. From here I will get a better picture of what is involved in this and also in the next two and a bit months I will have a Mri to see what the tumour is looking like after the radiation I have just had.

    Once again Hayden and I from the bottom of our hearts would love to thank each and everyone of you who has either donated to my give a little and/or supported us in other ways it means so much 💕

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  • Spare a thought for Amee tomorrow!!!

      19 September 2021

    So tomorrow is starting day for our dear friend Amee’s Radiation Treatment. Both Amee and Hayden are on a early flight to Wellington were Amee will stay for five weeks! She’s hoping to get home over this time for the odd weekend, but it is all a bit of a wait and see. So please over the next few days make contact with her just so she knows we’re all behind her. Xx

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  • Things are starting get to real for Amee!!!

      6 September 2021
    Main image

    Today Amee's day started early. Amee and Hayden drove to Nelson to Fly to Wellington (no flights out of Blenheim due to Covid) for Amee to have a planned CT Scan where they then made the mask that Amee will wear for 2 minutesa day for 5 weeks. The mask is so she is completely still so the radiation is treated in the exact spot. All going to plan and no more Covid upsets Amee starts her Radiation in Wellington on the 20th September. Tomorrow their on an early Ferry home. Please don't be a stranger to them. Amee's at home and enjoying the contact with everyone. Selfishly I know Im looking forward to Alert levels dropping on Tuesday night as Im looking forward to going and hang with my dear friend. Take Care Nic xxx

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  • A little update

      27 August 2021

    So today not only did we get the news that we heading to Level 3, Amee got the news she's been waiting for, were to next.....!!!!!

    In approx. 2 weeks time Amee and Hayden will head over to Wellington where she will meet her Wellington Oncology Team. She'll have a scan and they take measurements for her Radiation Mask to be made. Two weeks after that, Amee again will pack her bags farewell her children for the start of her 5-6 week stint in Wellington for her Radiation. All going well Amee should be home in Picton around Labour Weekend. Amee has today found out that she faces Chomo. The upside to this is she's able to be at home and have Chemo in Blenheim. So when your feeling hard done by in Lockdown think of this lovely family. Amee's going to be away from her children for 6 weeks. Fingers crossed she may get home for a weekend and that Children maybe able to go over for a weekend to see their Mum. She's positive and saying our all time saying "it is what it is".

    Thanks everyone for your donation already its been amazing, I know as you can see Amee is truely grateful for the love and Support. Lets keep it going, keep in touch with Amee and spread the word. We're all here to help fight this with the lovely lady. Every little bit counts.

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