$88,168 donated
Given by 733 generous donors in around 5 months

Meila's unwavering spirit fuels her fight for a cure. Support her groundbreaking treatment and advance research to help others in need!

Queenstown, Otago

● Meila, the brave 12-year-old battling Osteosarcoma since June, has been sent home on palliative treatment in NZ as the have run out of options for a Cure.

● Hayden and Kristin, committed parents, have covered costs, aiming to shoulder the burden themselves. Now, a critical opportunity emerges for Meila to undergo a life-saving trial in Australia, with the first round estimated at nearly 100k. The financial strain is significant, prompting a heartfelt call for support.

● As Meila's journey unfolds with resilience and unwavering strength, your contribution, whether through donations or spreading the word, becomes a lifeline.

● Join us in ensuring Meila receives the vital care she needs, turning this challenging chapter into one of hope and triumph. Thank you for being a pivotal part of Meila's support network.

Jessie Harris' involvement (page creator)

We are friends from all over NZ, coming together to kick cancer's butt and stand strong for Meila, sending a powerful message of resilience, hope, and unwavering support!

Use of funds

Updated on 2/06: Costs involved in phase 1 CAR-T cell therapy trial in America (trial, flights, accommodation, etc)

Your financial contribution supports Meila's groundbreaking treatment in Sydney, covering costs for her treatment and any surplus funds will be dedicated to both her ongoing treatment and advancing vital research to benefit others facing similar challenges

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Meilas been accepted on a clinical trial in North Carolina America   1 June 2024

Posted by: Kristin Davis

Just an update- Meila has been accepted on a phase 1 CAR-T cell therapy trial in America. We look to go over in July, Meila will have her Cell procurement (they take a heap of blood) then they make up the CAR-T drug. We only go to America for 2 or 3 days for this then come home. It takes approx 6 weeks to make the drug and then we head back to America for approx 5 weeks. There is serious risks with this therpy, but they have procedures in place that if Meila becomes to sick that they can cancel the CAR-T and she should be fine.

Unfortunately NZ don't cover the cost of the trial and it's completely self funded. Est is $90,000 American ($150,000 nz) plus travel and accommodation. So we will use all the money raised to put towards this and keep raising money and selling off assets. While this is classed as experimental treatment- it has been really successful in other trials and different cancers. So we are excited at what this treatment will offer Meila

We will keep you updated ♥️

P.s this is a photo of Meila playing netball with her team a few weeks ago ... she's doing so well - we feel so lucky she's been given another chance 🙏

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Aimee 8 hours ago
Sending so much love to your family!
Emma Hilleard
Emma Hilleard 20 hours ago
Wishing you all the best for your darling girl xxx
Kirsty Blundell
Kirsty Blundell 1 day ago
Karen 3 days ago
Steph 4 days ago

Who's involved?

Jessie Harris's avatar
Created by Jessie Harris
Kristin Davis's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kristin Davis
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This campaign started on 26 Jan 2024 and ends on 26 Jul 2024.