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Help Nicole get home after emergency surgery in the USA

$21,347 of $300,000 goal
Given by 360 generous donors in around 3 months

Stranded in USA after emergency surgery, insurance declined, need help to pay medical bills and fly home safely

Christchurch, Canterbury

Nicole & her husband Scott had planned a trip to the US to attend a wedding of a close friend from her time working at DisneyWorld as a Fairygodmother in Training. This trip was supposed to be a break from a difficult 18 months as Nicole had an emergency c-section at 26 weeks to deliver their little girl, Hope, who tragically passed away in NICU.

After the flight, Nicole experienced pain and swelling in her leg & went to ED where she was placed in critical care with tests showing she had an extensive blood clot from ankle to abdomen, & clots in her lungs. She was rushed to surgery to removed the clot & place a stent to keep her vein open. Nicole & Scott sadly missed the wedding, their flight home, & Nicole will not be medically cleared to fly for at least a month.

Nicole's travel insurance has declined to cover her emergency. Though she has no history of clots, the company has stated that as she has a gene that has the potential to increase her risk of blood clots, the presence of that gene is considered a pre-existing medical condition and excludes her from coverage.

With insurance refusing to pay, Nicole and Scott must now find money to rebook flights, & pay exorbidant hospital, imaging, outpatient and surgical bills (current forecast in excess of 300k). Nicole works as an Anaesthetic Technician and had just started at a new hospital so she does not have leave to cover an extended time away from work.

Please consider donating to help get Nicole and Scott home.

Moira Nogat's involvement (page creator)

I am Nicole's mother

Use of funds

Safer Flight home

Cost of surgery

hospital stay at emergency room and medications

Follow up specialist costs and ultrasounds

Ongoing medication

Cost of living in foreign country for an added month

Latest update

Welcome home Nicole  4 March 2024

Kia ora everyone

Thank you all for your continued support for Nicole and Scott.

My apologies for the quiet time, we have Nicole home from New York!! YAY!!

Nicole is still feeling the effects of the surgery and the clots in her lungs means occasional breathless so she is trying to rest as much as she is able.

We are so happy to have her on home soil and not stacking up more medical fees.

As you might have seen in tte Press follow-up today.. Stoney Brook Hospital has approved financial aid and have said she qualified to reduce the cost of her medical bills there by half. This is amazing news but still have around $150k still owing to work through and what that looks like now to start the appeal process with Allianz, the insurance company ANZ uses.

Its interesting that we have had conact from others in a similar situation with this insurance company so be aware, a warning to us all.

Thank you again for your support.


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Leigh on 19 Mar 2024
Gisele on 05 Mar 2024
Good luck with all of this.
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Guest Donor on 05 Mar 2024
Kat on 05 Mar 2024
Vanessa on 05 Mar 2024

Who's involved?

Moira Nogat's avatar
Created by Moira Nogat
Nicole Erickson's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Nicole Erickson
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This campaign started on 31 Jan 2024 and ended on 30 Apr 2024.