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Help Oscar Beat Cancer

  • Two Cycles Done

      1 August 2024

    Dear my Kiwi Whanau

    So, I have had two cycles of FOLFIRI treatment, and so far, it has been okay. I have had mild tiredness and acid reflux as side effects. I hope the next few cycles will not bring severe side effects.

    I saw a liver specialist a few days ago, and he said, We aren't worried about cirrhosis, as your liver fibrosis report is okay.

    I am in good spirits and hopeful that things will turn out for the better. I exercise as much as I can to keep me sane, lol. I haven't yet started the unfunded treatment, i.e., Avastin. Hopefully, I will have my infusion very soon.

    Thank you for your support

    Love Oscar and Anna

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