Help our Hobsonville School Aquabots team to represent New Zealand in USA

$14,715 of $25,000 goal
Given by 207 generous donors in 8 weeks

We are Alex Hipperson and Ezra Meyer and we are both Year 8 at Hobsonville School and going to represent NZ in Aquabots in USA.

Hobsonville, Auckland

Our Aquabots team NEPTUNE 3D won the National Intermediate level Aquabots Competition and has been selected to represent New Zealand at the International SeaPerch (Aquabot) Championships. This event will be held at the University of Maryland in the United States on 4th-5th June 2022. All funds raised along will go towards attending this event

The Aquabot programme is a STEM initiative developed by the US Navy for intermediate and high school students to develop technical, engineering and electronic skills and encourage innovation and problem solving to complete challenges underwater.

We qualified for the World Championships after winning the 2021 New Zealand National Aquabot Championships, recently held in Rotorua in March 2022. Due to the delayed National Competition we now have a limited window to secure partners and support for us with this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Our team consists of us 2 who are are passionate within the Science curriculum and demonstrate critical thinking and resilience, a powerful combination that will no doubt equal great success in the future of STEM-related careers. They are also fine young students, who are ambassadors of our school values: Respect, Responsibility, Attitude and Pride, and will also be outstanding New Zealand ambassadors while attending the World Aquabots Championships in America.

Their ultimate goal is achieving a top 5 result in the USA and bringing back what we learn, sharing and inspiring our younger classmates.

Bruce Meyer's involvement (page creator)

I am a parent of one of the team members selected to attend. This page is endorsed by Hobsonville School through Brad Hill deputy principal and teacher in charge of the project

Use of funds

All donations will be used to help cover flights, accommodation, transfers, food, and fees for the international competition.

Latest update

Update image

4th Overall - Super stoked!  10 June 2022

We are stoked!! 4th Overall Open class!!

Final results for the 2022 Seaperch Aqubot International Championships held at University of Maryland have been announced.

Our results for Neptune 3D:

12th in Engineering Design

4th in Team Video

5th in Water Mission

5th fastest in Obstacle Course.

Overall Result 4th Overall - Open Class

To say were happy is an understatement, our goal was top 5 in middle school closed grade - to be in the open grade competing against the best Aquabot high school students in USA and around the world at age 12 and come 4th overall is just beyond words.

Thank you again for all the support from family, school, friends and strangers to help us not only strive for, but achieve our goals.

Rocket Lab, Canary Data Solutions Ltd, Jaycar Electronics, Mindkits, Rotary International, Hobsonville School, Newstalk ZB, Seven Sharp, Mike Hosking Breakfast

(there is some footage on our facebook page if you want to see us in action)

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Latest donations

Simone on 06 Jun 2022
Cameron family
Cameron family on 03 Jun 2022
All the best team! Treasure this journey and may this be the start of something incredible! We are so proud of your achievements. Looking forward to hearing the stories when you are back Ezra. Safe travels!
Vanessa on 01 Jun 2022
Congratulations and well done! I am so proud of you all.! Best wishes and have a good time in US. Lots of love. xx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 May 2022
Go Team Hobby!!!
Kathryn on 30 May 2022
Congratulations Alex and Ezra! That's an amazing achievement. Best of luck in the USA.

Who's involved?

Bruce Meyer's avatar
Created by Bruce Meyer
Hobsonville Primary School's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Hobsonville Primary School (School)
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 10 Apr 2022 and ended on 6 Jun 2022.