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Help Owen Hughes Fight Cancer

  • Sad News…

      7 April 2024

    Unfortunately on the 06/04/2024, Owen passed away in the early hours of the morning.

    We want to say a massive thank you to each and every person who took time to donate through this page. Owen was so incredibly humbled, and we, the Hughes family will never be able to fully express our gratitude.

    We will close this page in a few days.

    Please know the funeral is at Rosmini College on Friday 12th April at 1pm for those wanting to attend.

    Thank again for all your love and support.

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  • Message from Hughes Family

      5 March 2024

    As a family, we are humbled and overwhelmed by the level of love, support, and prayers that we have received over the past week.

    Owen has received his first treatment of immunotherapy thanks to the donations made by this incredible community. He is due for more treatment in a few weeks, and hopefully after four treatments we will be able to see if it is working.

    We have tried to contact as many of you as possible to thank you individually. If we have not reached you due to private donations, or lack of contact details, we do apologise. Please know that Owen has seen every donation and lights up at all of the names/families coming through.

    Owen is working hard to rest and recover this week in the hopes of attending the first Warriors game of the season. #GOTHEWARRIORS

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