Please help us get a new van so we can continue to serve our community

$570 of $40,000 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in around 6 months

Palmerston North Street Van needs a new van

Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui

Since we started back in 1994, our purpose has always remained the same, ¨To help people, whatever the need, wherever possible¨ and we have been doing that by serving hot food and drinks from our van to those in need every Saturday nights rain or shine. We have a dedicated team of volunteers every weekend manning our precious van and doing what we do best. We also have another van that is used to patrol the streets to give safe rides home for the vulnerable who have no transport or no means to get there. During the week, that van is used to deliver food to homes and the other is used by various organisations for transport.

Now it is our turn to ask for help!! ......

One of our precious vans has almost had it!!

For a whole month we had it off the road while it was getting fixed up. The battery is needing to be charged every week because the motor doesnt do enough to keep it ticking over. It also has gearbox issues.

We need a replacement high-top second hand van which is estimated to cost $30-40,000 and as a charity organisation, we just don´t have that kind of money to replace our precious van.

Any amount given will go a very long way, we are needing all the help we can get!!

Even if you have an old van sitting in your backyard not getting used, it will be highly appreciated and put to very good use.

About us

Palmerston North Street Van was started in 1994, with a purpose to serve the public within the Square at night by providing hot drinks and food to anyone who needs them. We have grown since then, and we provide a "take home" van for those who find themselves in need of a ride home. During the week, we provide transport for other organisations and deliver food to various organisations and families. To find out more information check out

Use of funds

Purchasing a new van

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Feb 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Sep 2022
Meriam, you were there to support me when I needed it most. This little donation to a worthy cause is my way to say thank you. Never underestimate how your kindness touches others. xx
Victoria on 31 Aug 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Aug 2022
Morghan on 24 Aug 2022

Who's involved?

Palmerston North Street Van Inc's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Palmerston North Street Van Inc (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 23 Aug 2022 and ended on 23 Feb 2023.