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Help Rachel fight her cancer and get the drugs she needs.

  • Sad news

      1 March 2024

    It is with heavy heart that I let you all know that Rachel passed away on Wednesday night. Safe at home with her loving husband Aaron watching over her.

    I thank you all for your donations that enabled us to seek out treatment for her. My heart is broken.

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  • Extending closing date

      15 February 2024

    Hi All

    Just a quick update to say I have extended the closing date for a month so that we can do all we can for Rachel and her family. Further funds will be put towards living expenses while her husband is home caring for her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done so far and feel free to share far and wide!

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  • Latest News

      9 February 2024

    Hi Everyone

    First of all I want to say thank you all for your kind donations. You made it possible for Rachel to explore and try unfunded treatment and for that we will always be grateful.

    I wish I was updating you all with better news but unfortunately, none of the treatment has been successful and there are now no avenues left to explore.

    Rachel is at home spending this time with her family. If you have anything left to give we will use it to help them out at this time.

    Know that she loves and appreciates all that you have done for her and I know your hearts are breaking as are ours.

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  • Treatment has begun

      28 September 2023
    Main image

    Hi Everyone. Rachel is now into her second month of treatment and all is going well. She travels down to Whangarei every week for her treatment and is on a 3 week on, one week off cycle at the moment.

    I want to really thank you all for contributing/sharing/getting her story out there. Sharing this to all your contacts is key and I want to send you all my love for helping us get the word out. You are all amazing.

    Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

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