Help Radio Active continue giving you the best beats !

$28,395 of $26,000 goal
Given by 273 generous donors in 12 weeks

We need your help to top up our tank in order to keep the good music flowing at Radio Active


In a time where Aotearoa’s mediascape is in turmoil, there is one shining rock who is still on air, championing new talent and bringing you the best music - from near and far, old or new, RadioActive !

And it’s thanks to you!

Back in 2017, Radio Active was saved from permanent silence thanks to the support from our listeners, businesses, artists and musicians who kept us on air.

Seven years on, we could not be more proud of where we have come. New soundproof studios, better transmission, expanded generations of talent and tunes, countless interviews, Live to Airs, award winning programmes, celebrating our 45th year… live broadcasts, outdoor stages, and still at our core, remaining a place where music rules.

If this last summer of events has been any indication, we know this city’s heart is still fed by the vibrancy of our town of awesome humans. We’ve seen you at the festivals, the gigs, the art/theatre/comedy shows, we know you're out there tuning in… driving, dancing, digging the sounds. We see the love for our local stores, boutiques, bars and food havens and we know you know we are a part of this. We know you know we need you as much as you need us.

So here we are again asking for your financial support, a cushion for us to maintain the programmes and good vibes we have in place.

Please give a little or a lot ! Tell your friends too. And keep on supporting all the local businesses who support us.

Donations earn a tax credit of 33 cents per $ for all donations $5 or more

About us

The Radio Active Charitable Trust was established to run Radio Active a non profit community radio station in Wellington.

Radio Active has been broadcasting for 40 years and champions emerging New Zealand music artists.

Use of funds

Funds raised will be used to upgrade studio equipment as well as finance our general overhead expenses.

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Latest update

Fund raising target exceeded !  15 August 2024

The trustees of The Radio Active Charitable Trust and staff of RadioActive are absolutely stoked that their fund raising campaign which closed yesterday exceeded the target sought.

A huge thanks to all our valued supporters for your help in ensuring the best beats will continue to roll off the airwaves.

Ross Steele



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Latest donations

simon on 14 Aug 2024
Radio Active Charitable Trust

Your support is greatly appreciated

Radio Active Charitable Trust
Iggy on 14 Aug 2024
Radio Active Charitable Trust

Many thanks for your generosity

Radio Active Charitable Trust
Bianca on 14 Aug 2024
Radio Active Charitable Trust

Many thanks for your support

Radio Active Charitable Trust
phil on 14 Aug 2024
Great range of music thanks
Radio Active Charitable Trust

And thank you for your support

Radio Active Charitable Trust
The Marion Hostel
The Marion Hostel on 14 Aug 2024
Radio Active Charitable Trust

Really appreciate your generosity

Radio Active Charitable Trust

Who's involved?

Radio Active Charitable Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Radio Active Charitable Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 16 May 2024 and ended on 14 Aug 2024.