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Help restore and rebuild the mana of the Waihape Whanau Urupa (Cemetery)

$9,435 donated
Given by 168 generous donors in 5 weeks

The destruction and desecration of a family cemetery shouldn't be something anyone should go through. All help is appreciated.


On the 19/05/2018 Kaye Wesely was on her way to a funeral and decided to drop into her family urupa in Raupunga to pay respects to her brother.

When she arrived she was shocked and saddened to find destruction everywhere. Someone had gone through and systemically broken and destroyed most of the headstones in the cemetery. This act is unthinkable to many people out there and after the video going viral many people offered their heartfelt condolences and were wanting a way to help restore the headstones to support the Waihape family.

As I'm sure you'll understand this is a very difficult time for the family involved. It is our goal to fix this as soon as possible so the family can heal the hurt created and fix what was broken.

Callum McLeay's involvement (page creator)

I run a facebook page called: Feels Like Home Bro. We posted a video of a family cemetery that was destroyed. It went viral and I offered to run a fundraising campaign with the permission of the family through our platform. We were heartbroken and wanted to help this family restore their loved ones resting place.

Use of funds

The main goal for the money raised from this campaign will be used to tidy up and restore the destruction caused and to help the family move forward and honour their tupuna (ancestors) in the way it was before the headstones were destroyed.

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Latest donations

Bom n Noel Hawkins
Bom n Noel Hawkins on 16 Jun 2018
Arohamai whanau
Joy & Verona Putaranui
Joy & Verona Putaranui on 12 Jun 2018
Hope this helps towards the healing and mending of the Urupa.
Ropotini/Kura Joe whanau trust.
Ropotini/Kura Joe whanau trust. on 30 May 2018
Muhammed Grant-Gemmell Whanau
Muhammed Grant-Gemmell Whanau on 28 May 2018
Sending LOVE 💗 Pahau Waihape
carlos on 27 May 2018

Who's involved?

Callum McLeay's avatar
Created by Callum McLeay
Kaye Wesley's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Kaye Wesley on behalf of Waihape Whanau
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This campaign started on 20 May 2018 and ended on 30 Jun 2018.