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Help Romeo recover from vicious dog attack!

  • Romeo is healing nicely and the attacking dog and owner have been located

      17 January 2023
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden
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    UPDATE 17/1/2023:

    A quick update to let everyone know that the dog who attacked Romeo has been detained by Animal Control.

    There is apparently history with this dog so unfortunately the outcome might not be good for them. But we were so surprised that the owner was finally located after all these months - (the attack happened on 8th August 2022, so it's months later)!!

    Meanwhile Romeo is doing well. His wound site has recovered, although the fur around the scar has grown back brown, not sure why.

    There is a lot of scar tissue which the vet suggests might be an impact to him down the track. But overall he's doing ok, considering what he's been through!!

    Both of us still suffer from anxiety every time we encounter a pit bull looking dog. My heart beats just about out of my chest, and sometimes he barks.

    Counsellors tell me it's PTSD, so it's work in progress to get through this. Still.

    We still haven't replaced his microchip in his neck, we will let the area fully recover before we will do that. His chip was displaced during the attack!!

    If I can still submit an update after the case goes to court, I will let you know the outcome.

    Thanks so much again for all your support, your lovely messages and super kind donations.

    Bronwyn and Romeo xxx

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    • 17/01/2023 by S melanie

      Ahh, that’s great news to hear.

      You are all bound to be nervous still, I’d say that’s totally natural after all you have been through.

      Keep us updated if you can and sending hugs to you xxx

  • He Got His Stitches Out - and he was discharged!!

      8 September 2022
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden

    Today marks exactly 1 month since the attack.

    And today he got his stitches out.

    And he was discharged!!!

    We'll have to go back later to get him re-microchipped - (as his chip was lost in the attack) - but that can wait for his neck to fully heal.

    We took the clinic some donuts to say thank you - and then the awesome staff gave Romie a "Certificate of Outstanding Bravery", some treats and a squeaky lamb toy. How amazing are they.

    The BEST VET ever - Veterinary Associates Takanini.

    We probably won't post another update on here - unless we manage to locate the owner and dog, and Animal Control prosecute them.

    But you can check for updates on Romeo's instagram page - we will continue to post his recovery on there.

    We have been so humbled and grateful for all the beautiful messages of support, all of the kindness and generous donations for Romeo's recovery. This was the most traumatic thing to go through - to watch your kind, gentle fur baby be ripped to shreds and then for him to have to endure daily procedures, surgeries, bandage changes - for his life-threatening injuries, it was beyond horrific.

    But the support everybody has shown was so overwhelmingly kind and compassionate. And humbling. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS.

    Blessings to Dr Eckhard and the wonderful staff at Veterinary Associates Takanini.

    And blessings to givealittle - and to all of you xxx

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    • 09/09/2022 by S melanie

      Ahh what a great video and some lovely pictures, such a sweetie.

      So happy for Romeo and you, hopefully you can try and move on after this dreadful ordeal, he’s certainly looking good.

      I do hope this person is found and accountable for what has happened.


    • 17/01/2023 by Bronwyn Verlinden

      UPDATE 17/1/2023: A quick update to let everyone know that the dog who attacked Romeo has finally been detained by Animal Control. There is apparently history with this dog so unfortunately the outcome might not be good for them. But we were so surprised that the owner was finally located after all these months - (the attack happened on 8th August 2022, so it's months later)!!

      Romeo is doing well, his wound site has recovered, although the fur around the scar has grown back brown, not sure why.

      There is a lot of scar tissue which the vet suggests might be an impact to him down the track. But overall he's doing ok, considering what he's been through!!

      Both of us still suffer from anxiety every time we encounter a pit bull looking dog. My heart beats just about out of my chest, and sometimes he barks.

      Counsellors tell me it's PTSD, so it's work in progress to get through this. Still.

      We still haven't replaced his microchip in his neck, we will let the area fully recover before we will do that. His chip was displaced during the attack!!

      If I can still submit an update after the case goes to court, I will let you know the outcome.

      Thanks so much again for all your support, your lovely messages and super kind donations.

      Bronwyn and Romeo xxx

  • Recovery Day 25 Update - And Some Media Coverage

      3 September 2022
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden

    This week we free'd the bandage.

    Romeo was so happy, his bandage had been restrictive and tight - he was rapt. Our Vet is very happy with his healing and we might only need 2 more visits!!

    We still haven't made any further progress with finding the Pit bull dog owner, he is still in hiding. We've been connecting with other dog attack victims, and some who have gone to the media. So we decided to reach out. Gabrielle and David from Stuff came around on Friday to interview us - Romie enjoyed the attention and was more than happy to pose for the shots!!

    The story was released on Saturday morning.

    Since then ... a Senior Manager from Animal Control called, he came around to take another statement from us. (I don't think they realised the extent of the damage on Romeo).

    Re this givealittle - it is just so unbelievably overwhelming how kind and generous people are - to donate to a little dog they don't even know. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH.

    This owner has to be found. We have to do whatever we can to locate him and make him accountable. That being said, I would never advocate for his dog to be put down, that could never be my call. I just need for him to own up to his responsibility, contribute to the enormous vet bills and muzzle his dog.

    Meanwhile - ROMEO SURVIVED - he's alive and he's recovering - there's not much more we can ask for. THANK YOU, so much love to you all.


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  • Recovery after Surgery - Day 19 - Sat 27/8

      27 August 2022
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden

    Romeo had a big surgery on Friday 26 August.

    Dr Eckhard managed to sew his wound together - 18 days after the attack!!

    The surgery was successful - and he didn’t need a skin graft.

    BLESS Vet Associates Takanini - they are the BEST.

    Unfortunately the surgery has been gruelling on him.

    He looked so sad, sore and miserable when we picked him up.

    We came home, he cried and whimpered, it was like we were back at day 1.

    Thankfully this time we have stronger pain meds and I can top him up - but it's tough.

    I have shared some footage in a video of him the following morning (Saturday - Day 19 recovery). He's sore and sad - it's bloody heartbreaking watching him go through this. Poor Baby.


    A huge special thank you to everyone who have shared messages, shown such kindness and to all those beautiful people who have donated to his givealittle page. BLESS YOU ALL.

    This means so much, we are so grateful.

    It feels like the Pitbull dog (attacker) and his owner are getting further and further away from taking responsibility.

    I don't even know what else we can do :(

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    • 28/08/2022 by S melanie

      He’s a beautiful little boy and what a trooper after being through so much.

      Hopefully the hard yarns are done and it’s just the case of looking forward with everyday him feeling a bit better.

      The people that witnessed the attack could they not testify what they saw? Just dreadful I hope karma plays revenge on the owner after all that you have had to endure.

      Sending hugs, you are doing an amazing job 💕

    • 29/08/2022 by Bronwyn Verlinden

      Thanks so much Melanie, yeh we have a whole couple of touch rugby teams and a security guard who witnessed the gruesome event - and would speak up. But the owner has denied to Animal Control that the dog is his - even after admitting liability to me and he's now gone into hiding. I hope karma pays him back too.

      I keep holding onto the fact that Romie survived tho, such a blessing. But my god, it's been tough - and expensive!!

      Quick update - Romeo slept through the whole night, and didn't whimper once last night xxx he just needs to heal now !!

    • 03/09/2022 by S melanie

      Thank you for your message, yes from the UK, been here 16yrs though!

      So pleased Romeo is on the mend.

      You have gone through everyone’s worst nightmare and we all feel for you all. Xxx

  • Recovery Day18 - Surgery to Close the Wounds

      26 August 2022
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden
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    Quick update.

    Romeo's surgery today went well today.

    His wound is now completely stitched up, and there were no skin grafts required.

    Dr Eckhard left the bandage off - but at pickup - I asked him to cover it (for my benefit cos it’s gruesome)!! We'll go back next week, remove the bandage and check the stitches.

    Sadly, he's come home sad, sore and depressed - whimpering like he did in the first few days. It’s so hard as a dog mama, to try to console him.

    I’ve given him all his strong pain meds and we are now lying by the heater together.

    I'm so heart broken for him but we know it’s on the last leg of his recovery.

    I'm attaching a pic of the awesome Dr Eckhard at handover this morning - he's our hero!! I might post some happier pics of Romeo over the weekend - my poor little guy.

    Oh and I've connected with another dog attack victim who's dog was attacked last week ... you can read about that here. He was also injured in the attack, trying to keep his pup safe. Honestly, something needs to be done about the increase of these dog attacks happening.

    #romeo #recovery #day18

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  • Fri 19/8 - New Vet, Another Procedure, Turning a Corner

      21 August 2022
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden
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    It was a good day for little Romeo.

    We have transferred to our vet - Vet Associates Takanini.

    They have received us with such gentle kindness, compassion and respect.

    From the initial phone call (how do we transfer?)

    To the check in, (they knew we were coming!!)

    To the warm welcome, (“hi Romeo, you poor little man I’m so sorry for what you’ve been going through”).

    To the phone call (he’s ready to be picked up, he was so brave, we all love him).

    To the check out, (woops sorry we forgot the codeine, don’t worry you can pay for that next time!!)

    And 50% less than the previous vet, same sedated procedure.

    Dr Eckhard performed the procedure, he has stitched his wound closer, he used the honey method for healing and prescribed codeine (I wish we had got this last week).

    And we don’t need another procedure check until Monday.

    I feel like we are making great progress and Romie is turning a corner.

    Romeo is in safe hands for the final leg of his recovery.

    And his mama too.

    We are so grateful for all the love, the support, the donations, the care, the phone calls and messages. Romeo is coming back ... what a friggin relief!

    #romeo #day11 #dogattack #recovery

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  • Day 7 - Another Procedure and Looking at Transferring to our GP Vet

      15 August 2022
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden
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    Monday 15/8 - exactly one week since attack.

    Romeo was scheduled for another sedated bandage change at VSA early this morning.

    When we arrived there, his wound was leaking onto the floor (this is the 2nd time). But the vet didn't seem bothered by this, as distressing as it was to us.

    I mentioned this later to the Animal Control guy who said vets often put drips into dog bite wounds - so I called and emailed back to VSA to ask about this. They didn't respond.

    I talked about it with the vet at pickup - and she said the drip would depend on where the injury was, and for Romeo that wouldn't be the best cause of action.

    She said he's going to need these ongoing sedated bandage changes every 2 days - and this could go on for another couple of weeks at least. These are charged at between $500-$1000. Oucheeee.

    So I discussed transferring his care to our GP vet - and I'll call them tomorrow (Vet Associates Takanini). It's further for me to travel, but I've had the best experience at that vet, so we're super keen.

    Romeo was happy to see us, he had recovered from the anaesthetic and was eager to get home. It was dark when we got home, but I knew he would love a little sniff of the park at the front of our house, so we wheeled him in his stroller. He was excited and he POOPED again (woop woop for that)! See pic of Romeo being supported at the park - in the dark - by one of our lovely neighbours.

    He has had his dinner now, and all his medication and antibiotics. And he's sound asleep in front of the heater.

    It's hard to comprehend that the attack happened exactly this time last week.

    So much can happen in a week.

    I said to another neighbour tonight, go hug your fur baby and look at increasing your pet insurance. Lol. I have the Southern Cross bronze option which is $2.5k - but it didn't even cover us walking in the door this time last Monday.

    PS: Animal Control said the owner isn't even answering his calls now, he's doing his best to hide from them. How can anyone just ignore what their dog has done?

    Thanks so much to everyone who has messaged us and contributed to Romeo's recovery. As much as we struggle to comprehend the dog owners actions and his appalling lack of response, we are equally overwhelmed by all the love from you all - to our special little guy. LOVE WINS ALWAYS.

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    • 16/08/2022 by Tania

      Kia Kaha Romeo you got this!!

  • Day 6 of Recovery - he POOPED!

      14 August 2022
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden
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    No surgery today.

    The boys had Touch Rugby so we went along to support and took Romeo in his stroller. He was excited to be there and we let him down for a sniff of the grass. He wandered around for a few minutes and then much to my relief - he POOPED. He hasn't pooped since Monday, so I was really relieved. Although I had forgotten to bring poop bags, so had to scoop it up with leaves. Bless them leaves.

    I think I'm going to be a paranoid dog owner now. A large, bouncy golden retriever was chasing her ball and she bounced towards us. I froze, Romeo sensed my 'freeze' and started barking. Omigosh - we will never be the same again.

    Back for surgery number 5 tomorrow :(

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  • Sat 13/8 - 4th Surgery Successful

      13 August 2022
    Posted by: Bronwyn Verlinden
    Main image

    Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who have sent messages and donations to help our little Romeo. And much love to Hannah for creating this givealittle, we are so grateful for all this love for our little guy.

    Romeo had his fourth surgical procedure today - to clean the wound, assess it further and remove any old tissue and drain. The vets have said they can't close it up (stitch it) until the tissue is ready - so meanwhile we have to have these surgical procedures every 2 days to check, clean, reassess and re-bandage.

    He was put under sedation today, so it's not as heavy as a full anaesthetic.

    I am confident we have finally got on top of his pain medication.

    His first 2 nights at home were awful - he whimpered through the night, nobody had any sleep.

    Last night I think we cracked it though (double doses) - and tonight we've come home with higher doses and also a stronger pain med if we need it. Thank goodness.

    He hasn't pooped since Monday, so he's been prescribed a laxative too.

    He is sleeping peacefully now and fingers crossed we will all have a lovely FULL night of sleep. And I ate dinner, first full meal since Monday!

    Things are looking hopeful xxxxxxxxxx

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    • 14/08/2022 by S melanie

      What a little sweetheart, I so feel for you all having to watch him go through all of this.

      It must have been horrific for you seeing him being attacked, I’m sure it’s most of ours worst nightmare when we have smaller dogs.

      Wishing him a speedy recovery and hugs to you all 💕

    • 15/08/2022 by S melanie

      Great news, such a relief when simple little things happen.

      You certainly have good reason to be paranoid, totally natural after what you have been through.

      Hope surgery goes well tomorrow, we are all right behind you 💕

    • 22/08/2022 by S melanie

      He looks so good, you must be so relieved.

      Great you have found a good vet, makes all the difference.

      Onwards and upwards for a quick recovery! 💕