Raising funds to help Romeo's recovery from horrendous dog attack!
Romeo is a small 4 year old maltese, bichon cross dog and is beloved by his owner Bronwyn. He is a popular supporter at many Touch Rugby games across Auckland. On Monday 8/8/2022 Romeo was savagely attacked by a large dog while at a touch Rugby match with Bronwyn. Bronwyn recounts "The dog saw Romeo and despite my efforts to pick up my dog and remove him from harm – he bowled me out of the way and savagely attacked my dog, (who was on a lead). Romeo didn’t even see him coming."
It took several men, several long minutes to get the dog to unlatch from Romeo. He was rushed to hospital with horrific and extensive injuries to the back of his neck. Romeo has undergone 3 surgeries on his wounds and will require more procedures in the coming days and then daily bandage changes at the vet to follow. His vet bill is currently at $10k and rising!
The other dog's owner initially accepted responsibility for the attack, but is now denying he even owns the dog and has not made any effort to contribute towards the cost of Romeo's treatment!
Bronwyn is so traumatised and devastated by the extent of Romeo's injuries, and unbelievably saddened that the owner of the attacking dog has not taken responsibility for what he has caused.
Anyone who knows Bronwyn knows that she is the first person to offer help to someone in need, she deserves our support. The mounting vet bills are now adding more stress to an already terrible time so any help towards the vet bills would be deeply appreciated.
I am Bronwyn's God-daughter
The money will be used towards Romeo's surgery vet bills and ongoing expenses as he recovers. (Why are vets SO expensive?!)
Romeo is healing nicely and the attacking dog and owner have been located 17 January 2023
UPDATE 17/1/2023:
A quick update to let everyone know that the dog who attacked Romeo has been detained by Animal Control.
There is apparently history with this dog so unfortunately the outcome might not be good for them. But we were so surprised that the owner was finally located after all these months - (the attack happened on 8th August 2022, so it's months later)!!
Meanwhile Romeo is doing well. His wound site has recovered, although the fur around the scar has grown back brown, not sure why.
There is a lot of scar tissue which the vet suggests might be an impact to him down the track. But overall he's doing ok, considering what he's been through!!
Both of us still suffer from anxiety every time we encounter a pit bull looking dog. My heart beats just about out of my chest, and sometimes he barks.
Counsellors tell me it's PTSD, so it's work in progress to get through this. Still.
We still haven't replaced his microchip in his neck, we will let the area fully recover before we will do that. His chip was displaced during the attack!!
If I can still submit an update after the case goes to court, I will let you know the outcome.
Thanks so much again for all your support, your lovely messages and super kind donations.
Bronwyn and Romeo xxx
Thank you so much Corrinne for your lovely message and kind donation for Romeo's recovery. Those little Maltese faces, his face is my favourite part of him - and I'm so thankful his face wasn't damaged in the attack. Thanks again for the love ❤️
Hi Jane, thanks so much for your generous donation ... and yes there's been a lot of healing for all of us, but just so thankful he survived!! Thanks again for your kindness xx
Omg - thank you so very much for your super generous donation towards Romeo's recovery. We are so humbled by your kindness and generosity. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts ❤️. And with much love from Romeo, he is forever grateful!!
Thank you so much for your lovely donation for Romeo's recovery, we are so humbled by your kindness. Yes it's been horrendous, I can't even explain how horrific ... but he survived (miraculously) - no thanks to the owner and his dog who have since gone into hiding. But THANK YOU SO MUCH - with love from Romie ❤️