Please help save historic gold-mining ruins which lie hidden & deteriorating. Their stories will be lost forever if we don't act.
An easy 1km stroll up the beautiful Arrow River from the historic Arrowtown township in Central Otago, are the remains of a small gold-mining settlement called Coopers Terrace. Based on archival photos and local intel, it looks to have been made up of 5-6 stone huts, from around 1900, well established, with garden walls and an impressive entranceway, occupied by gold-mining families during the Arrow River Goldrush.
But these important ruins are collapsing into a blackberry thicket and can’t be seen. I know that unless I do something, this settlement and its precious stories will be forever lost. Local Heritage groups have neither the time nor the resources to save it, but I’m hoping if you generous Kiwis out there give me a hand, together we can make it happen.
Due to my archaeological background I had suspected there was a small settlement up the Arrow River and while living in Arrowtown 12 years ago I found one of the huts, cut back the thicket and excavated it (with the permission from DoC, LINZ and the Historic Places Trust). The ruins of that one hut are now signposted and maintained by DoC, viewed by all who pass by on the lovely walking track easily accessible from Arrowtown village and road to Macetown.
It's important that we save the entire Copper's Terrace settlement. I already have all the necessary consents, the support of Heritage groups, the land-owner and locals. All I need now is help from you to fund the clearing of dense vegetation to see what else is there.
Already we have one hut, various sections of garden wall – some waist-high in some places – and the position of the garden entranceway. With enough funds, and help from volunteers, we should be able to free the ruins from the thicket and start retaining the stonework.
The most positive outcome would be to fully restore the settlement as an interesting and easily accessible historic walking destination for locals and tourists alike, to a similar high standard as that of the Chinese Village nearby. One creating a point of reference with the other, the story more complete. How amazing that would be.
We are so lucky to have this opportunity to enhance the visual picture of the gold-mining heritage Arrowtown prides itself on. The potential benefits to the region, to NZ tourism, are huge. And those stories from our founding mothers and fathers are so precious.
You can give with confidence - every cent raised goes towards restoring the settlement. Both individual and corporate sponsors welcomed, give back to your community and help preserve Arrowtowns golden history.
Your support is gratefully received.
All funds raised will be paid into the Cooper's Terrace Project bank account and used to cover expenses only. Any surplus will be used to reimburse personal expenses that have been used to get the project to this stage.
Miller's Gateway - or 'Folly' 1 March 2024
This black & white photo was taken in the 1930's. An unusually elaborate entrance set in a garden wall enclosing one or two houses with gardens and animals. Note the flair and style expressed by these rather special gold-miners that marks this settlement site by the Arrow River as a unique addition to our history. Note the horizontal stones of the folly laid next to the vertical stones of the garden wall. Compare it to the modern day pic I just posted, and you can see it. It's there still...! Very cool.
Oh Erna ..... thanks so much. That will help us pay for the on-going spraying and weed-eating at the site, right when our funds have got very low. Thanks again from the C T Project team ...!
Brilliant. ...! Thanks so much, Liz for your support. I really value it.
Wow...! Thank you so much, Joan. And thanks for the encouragement....!
Wonderful...! Thank you for yor support, Faith. Much needed and appreciated.