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Help Save Huxie

  • Hes home

      26 June 2024
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    After a vey stressful 5 days he is finally home

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  • Good News! Diagnosis

      25 June 2024
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    We have a diagnosis after our MRI today

    Acute non-compressive disc herniations causing nonambulatory severe tetraparesis.

    Acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion or ANNPE is a condition seen in dogs where there is sudden herniation or extrusion of the inner portion of a normal intervertebral disc (spinal disc) causing associated spinal cord damage. The intervertebral disc sits between the bones of the spine and acts like a shock absorber. It consists of a tough fibrous outer layer (annulus fibrosis) and a fluid like centre (nucleus pulposus). Unlike traditional herniated or "slipped" discs that put pressure on the spinal cord (via compression)

    ANNPEs do not cause significant spinal cord compression but cause severe inflammation and acute neurological deficits from the

    associated bruising (or contusion) of the spinal cord. Dogs with ANNPE often present with sudden onset of pain, weakness, or paralysis usually following a minor trauma or vigorous activity. This condition is very difficult to differentiate clinically from a fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy or FCE and definitive diagnosis requires advanced imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging or MRI. Prognosis for this condition is good but recovery can be prolonged. As there is nothing to fix surgically, recovery centres on physical therapy, rehab and time

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  • Looking better

      24 June 2024
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    Looking more lively tonight hes been taken off some opiods but not it of the woods yet

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  • Hux is eating

      24 June 2024

    Got a text from the vet to say Hux is finally eating. This is the first time he's felt well enough to eat since his accident. They are so happy at the vet with this.

    His brothers also miss him dearly and have been searching for him waiting for him to come home

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  • Surgeon update

      24 June 2024
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    After speaking with the surgeon today because the neurologist was sick we have decided to wait another day in hospital before running tests. The neurologist will be in 25th to give a second opinion and to decide how many diagnostics we need.

    They believe it is either

    A. Spinal stroke

    B. Spinal meningitis

    C. Fracture between head c1 and c2

    D. Slipped /partial slipped disc c1 c2 however nothing is showing a slip right now.

    For now he is stable and being turned every few hours and has help expressing himself due to the paralysis. He has brain function and is trying his very hardesr to wag his tail when people see him.

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  • Huxie

      23 June 2024
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    He tried his hardest to wag his tail when we saw him. The x ray couldn't see anything so we have to wait for the specialist tomorrow to look him over and then issue CT and MRI before we can figure out the plan of attack its looking like an issue between 1/2 neck possible partial break where 2 connects to 1 at the bottom but to hard to see on the x ray. Hopefully its just a slipped disc and nothing worse 🤞

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  • X ray Update

      23 June 2024

    Vet called me late last night they ran X rays and can't see any immediate fractures but its been passed to radiology today. They believe the damage is cord/soft tissue or still in the brain which means that he will be needing the MRI to confirm the extent of the damage.

    On he positive side he can feel minimal pain inflicted on 2 of his legs which means he can feel more than they initially thought the morphine was clouding his ability to feel pain.

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