Help Scout to tag and track a Great White shark in the Coromandel

$1,354 of $4,000 goal
Given by 19 generous donors in around 4 months

Great White Shark app will track Great Whites in the Coromandel and Bay of Plenty holiday hot spots.

Whangamata, Waikato

Hi, my name is Scout, I am 8 years old & I’m crazy about sharks (& capybaras, but that’s another story). I live in Whangamatā, I love to boogie board & I’m learning to surf.

Please help me to raise $4,000 for the Sustainable Oceans Society to sponsor a satellite tag to track a Great White shark. UPDATE 03/01/2023 - Scout missed out on a satellite tag but is continuing to fundraise for acoustic tags for the sharks. Please read the updates below for more info.

The Great White shark population is growing in the Coromandel & Bay of Plenty regions. Fishing boats & surfers are seeing them way more often & we don’t know why. I think sharks are incredible, but I don’t want to boogie board with them.

The plan is to tag Great Whites in the Coromandel & Bay of Plenty regions and have their tracks displayed free on a live website for the public to view, in order to enable the best possible decisions as to where people choose to play in the ocean.

Satellite tags are not cheap ($3,200 each) and they also require satellite time ($800 per year). I don’t have $4,000, but I hope other people in Whangamatā, the Coromandel, and the Bay of Plenty, who would like to keep track of where the Great White sharks are at, will chip in and help me please.

I’ll use my newspaper delivery money, write letters to businesses, help sell ice creams at the Estuary Store, take a donation bucket to the beach…I’ve got lots of ideas but I’ll still need help. Thank you.

Jo Jukes' involvement (page creator)

Member of the public raising funds to support Sustainable Oceans Society - Project Great White.

Use of funds

Satellite tag $3,200 and satellite time $800 to tag and track a Great White shark. If Scout doesn't reach the $4,000 target to "own" a shark, the funds raised will still go to Sustainable Oceans Society.

Latest update

Update image

Scout made it to $1400 = two acoustic tags!  27 February 2023

With the extra cash funds from the sales of sewing crafts (further thanks to sewing queen Katherine) Scout has enough to sponsor two acoustic tags for Project Great White.

Several of Scout's fundraising initiatives didn't even get off the ground due to our atrocious summer on the Coromandel - we'll have to save the ideas for our next cause.  Despite the setbacks, we've been so impressed (sometimes surprised!) with Scout's commitment to her plans.

We're grateful to everyone who has supported Scout on her mission, our family has had some very cool experiences and conversations on Scout's fundraising journey.

Scout's "best bits" were busking, the Christmas Grotto and going to the markets.

"I also loved checking the Give-a-Little page and getting excited when I had a new donation. Oh, and it was also cool to be in the newspaper...there were too many best bits!" said Scout.

By far, the new best bit will be when there are two Great White Sharks swimming around on the Great White App with acoustic tags sponsored by Scout.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Jan 2023
A very generous contibution from local friends with the message "hard work deserves to be recognised".
Whangamatā Dog Park Mulch Raking
Whangamatā Dog Park Mulch Raking on 30 Jan 2023
Many thanks to the Whangamatā Dog Park crew for giving us the opportunity to earn some dollars helping to spread out new mulch for the poochies at the dog agility zone. It was postponed a few times due to all the rain but we finally got it done early January.
Emma on 16 Jan 2023
Love this!
Jo Jukes

Love the donation! Thanks Aunty Emma x

Jo Jukes
The Bright Family
The Bright Family on 11 Jan 2023
Keep up the great work Scout!
Jo Jukes

Hi Jack and Luke and Lettie and Chris! Thank you for helping me to tag a Great White Shark. You can see two on the app already - so far they haven't visited Whangamata. From Scout.

Jo Jukes
Sarah on 10 Jan 2023
Ka pai Scout!
Jo Jukes

Thank you! Mum showed me some pictures on Facebook so I knew who was supporting me. I love your bacon and egg costumes! And I play with Pepe's brother Ted when I visit my Aunties and cousin...I had no idea! Thanks again, from Scout.

Jo Jukes

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jo Jukes on behalf of Sustainable Ocean Society
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This campaign started on 8 Nov 2022 and ended on 28 Feb 2023.