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Help Scout to tag and track a Great White shark in the Coromandel

  • Scout made it to $1400 = two acoustic tags!

      27 February 2023
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    With the extra cash funds from the sales of sewing crafts (further thanks to sewing queen Katherine) Scout has enough to sponsor two acoustic tags for Project Great White.

    Several of Scout's fundraising initiatives didn't even get off the ground due to our atrocious summer on the Coromandel - we'll have to save the ideas for our next cause.  Despite the setbacks, we've been so impressed (sometimes surprised!) with Scout's commitment to her plans.

    We're grateful to everyone who has supported Scout on her mission, our family has had some very cool experiences and conversations on Scout's fundraising journey.

    Scout's "best bits" were busking, the Christmas Grotto and going to the markets.

    "I also loved checking the Give-a-Little page and getting excited when I had a new donation. Oh, and it was also cool to be in the newspaper...there were too many best bits!" said Scout.

    By far, the new best bit will be when there are two Great White Sharks swimming around on the Great White App with acoustic tags sponsored by Scout.

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  • Oh no! But Yay!!! All 20 Great White satellite tags have now been sponsored!!!!

      5 January 2023
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    Scout may not have made her target of $4,000 in time to name her own shark but there is still the opportunity to sponsor acoustic tags at $700 each, and Scout remains determined to raise as much as she can for the project this summer.

    Acoustic tagging uses smaller ‘sound emitting’ tags, enabling Dr Riley Elliot to actively track the sharks in real time, using an underwater hydrophone and drone flying above. This gives real time insight as to what the sharks are doing in certain areas. He will also be deploying acoustic receiver stations around areas of interest, like swimming beaches, ski lanes, fishing spots and surf zones. These receivers detect acoustically tagged sharks for periods up to 10 years, and thus map the habitat use of the GWs over the long term, and do not require the sharks to break the waters surface, like satellite tags do.

    Scout is a little bummed she won't get to name a shark, but looking on the bright side, is super stoked she might be able to sponsor multiple acoustic tags. Scout has applied for funding from a couple of different companies, so we'll wait to hear the outcome of those in a couple of weeks before reviewing the fundraising target.

    You can watch Riley's video update on his FB page "Riley Elliot - Shark Scientist". Scout thinks the amazing support he's received "is super cool".

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  • First two sharks have been tagged! Plus adventures at the Whangamatā Sunday Market

      1 January 2023
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    It was a slow start on New Year's day morning, but when the main street of Whangamatā finally came alive Scout had a busy morning chatting to people about "Sharky" her inflatable mate, selling scrunchies and other handmade sewing crafts (kindly made and donated by the lovely Katherine), and selling other odds and ends after a big bedroom clear out (Yay!). Meanwhile the first two sharks have been tagged and you can see them on the Sustainable Oceans Society website! They are 2.2m and 2.75m long and both were tagged inside the Bowentown Harbour. 17 of the first 20 shark tags have been sponsored - fingers crossed Scout makes her target in time to get one of the first 20. Happy New Year everyone...and safe swimming x

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  • Whangamatā Christmas Grotto $100 raffle success

      19 December 2022
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    Scout was super excited to be part of the Whangamatā Christmas Grotto and raised $132 from the raffle, plus donations. We had a lot of fun decorating our shark themed tree and chatting to people about Project Great White over the three nights.

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  • We're in business!

      12 December 2022
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    Scout's business cards have arrived, complete with QR code for quick donations to this page. Together with Brodie the inflatable shark, she will be out and about in Whangamatā this summer.

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  • Busking at Beach Hop

      27 November 2022
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    Yesterday evening Scout put on her poodle skirt (inflatable sharky got one too) and played 1950s rock 'n' roll classics at Whangamatā's Estuary Store during the iconic Beach Hop festival. This was Scout's first time ever busking. We had some extra info on the shark situation...but found that most people were more interested in their fish and chips! Stay tuned for Scout's next busking venue to boost fundraising.

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