Help Support Astrid - The Cancer is Back

$4,070 donated
Given by 40 generous donors in around 4 months

Help Support Astrid - The Cancer is Back and we are helping fundraise for costs associated with her cancer treatment


Our dear friend Astrid, best known in Nelson as the past owner/operator of Woodlea Floral Studio, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Multiple Myeloma (cancer of the plasma cells in the blood) in 2019. She had gone into remission in 2020 but very sadly, the cancer has returned this year.

Due to the pain caused by her disease, Astrid has had to stop working which has caused financial strain. Astrid's medical team at Nelson Hospital have recommended a new drug trial for her disease which they feel is the best option to treat her cancer at this point in time. The Wellington and Auckland DHB's are the only locations offering the drug trial in New Zealand. The trial could be long term, and ongoing travel to and from Wellington a necessity for the foreseeable future.

Astrid has two loving daughters living with her and we would like to help Astrid and her family raise funds to help with her drug trial costs as well as lift some of the burden from living costs.

We thank you for any donations you are able to make and they will be so very appreciated by Astrid and her family.

Summer Marvin's involvement (page creator)

Astrid is a dear friend of mine who I have known for the past 18 years

Use of funds

The funds raised will be used to help Astrid and her family meet the extra costs involved with travel and accommodation as well as lift financial burden from living costs due to Astrid's inability to work because of her disease

Latest update

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Astrid's Cancer Journey Update  10 October 2023

Hello and thank you for all of your support for Astrid over the last several weeks - your generosity has been AMAZING! We wanted to give you an update as to where things are at.

After recent radiation treatment for her arm pain, she travelled up to Wellington on Sunday where she will remain for the next month. On Monday, she started the drug trial she has been accepted on to for something called ‘Elranatamab’. She is spending some time in the hospital at the start of her drug trial for monitoring as it can have some serious side effects and hopes to go to the Ronald McDonald house soon where she will be based during this month.

This the start of a long journey and if all goes well over the next month, Astrid will be traveling to Wellington on a weekly basis to get injections and monitoring overnight for an initial six months. The frequency of injections will reduce to fortnightly after six months if she is responding well to the drug and her participation in the trial could carry on for quite some time.

Her daughters will be taking turns supporting her in Wellington this next month as well as a few friends. The funds raised thus far will go towards additional travel costs for her support people, food costs, shortfalls for continuing living costs and potential accommodation costs as the trial continues.

We can’t thank you enough for your generosity in helping Astrid and her family during this difficult period and will keep the page active.

So many thanks to you!

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Latest donations

Yolanda on 06 Dec 2023
From Yolanda
Sue on 02 Nov 2023
Maisie on 18 Oct 2023
All my love to you and your beautiful whānau ❤
Loren on 12 Oct 2023
Rachel on 12 Oct 2023
Sending you all the very very bestest of wishes dear Astrid as you go on this journey X 😘

Who's involved?

Summer Marvin's avatar
Created by Summer Marvin
Astrid Jansens Van Hornsveld's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Astrid Jansens Van Hornsveld
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This campaign started on 4 Sep 2023 and ended on 18 Dec 2023.