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Help sweet Teddy to get surgery for eye cancer and Violet walk without pain.

$1,000 of $1,500 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in around 3 months

Teddy was being loaded onto a slaughter truck when he ran for his life with his brothers and found our sanctuary. Now he has eye cancer 💔🐮


Teddy was being loaded onto a slaughter truck when he ran for his life with two of his brothers (Rusty and Domino) and found our sanctuary. Now he has eye cancer 💔🐮

Teddy is a super sweet kid with the best heart. He is only 6 years old and has so much love to give. He is the child who comforts everyone else and seeks out anyone needing extra love to make sure they're ok. Our little Dinky who is still grieving for her mum follows Teddy around, asking for love and getting little nuzzles in return.

Now Teddy urgently needs treatment to remove the eye cancer and assess how to give him the best life possible with his brothers and the rest of his herd whānau.

This boy (and two of his last herdmates) survived against all odds. He was taken from his mama as a baby, broke free while being loaded for slaughter, avoided capture while being chased for 3 days through the forest then jumped 2 sets of fences to find our herd. He lost his mum and then so so many friends over the years. The farmer was retiring and culling the last of his herd. He was going to send someone here with a gun. How could we not fight for him?

We also Violet separated from the herd (with her mum and big brother of course) because she's been having issues with her walking. We aren't sure what's causing it exactly so she also needs to be assessed by the vets. We don't do any breeding here but Batty was already pregnant with Violet when we rescued them and Violet was our first freedom baby born into sanctuary ❤️

Emily Rushton's involvement (page creator)

I am one of the trustees and founders of the sanctuary. I live onsite helping to run the sanctuary between nursing shifts.

Use of funds

Vet bills to have Teddy's eye cancer treated and Violet's walking pain assessed. All funds will go towards their needs and ongoing care.

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Latest donations

Wendy on 24 Jul 2024
For Teddy and Violet, hope they are both healing well and starting to feel safe and loved 🥰
Emily Rushton

Thank you Wendy, That is incredibly generous and will honestly make a huge huge difference. Very grateful and lots of love from us and Teddy and Violet and all the kiddos here. Teddy is doing really really well now. He's recovered very well from the surgery and we were able to get clear margins which means he's now cancer free and managed to stop it before it spread to the other eye and into his system. He's really happy, loving citrus season because it's one of his favorite things and is really emotional in the best way to see him feeling safer every day. Violet is also doing a lot better; she is still a little sore but nothing like how it was before. She still needs daily meds but she's well enough to be with the herd and she is really happy. We've been on the road for the past couple days to pick up a mobile treatment unit for her that another sanctuary is lending us for now. It is very far away but will mean we can keep on top of her regular hoof care needs. Thank you so so much for helping xxxx

Emily Rushton
Paul on 19 Jul 2024
Emily Rushton

Thank you so so so much, Paul. You are amazing and this will really really help!! ❤️🐄🐂💚🥰

Emily Rushton
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Jul 2024
Emily Rushton

You are so very kind, thank you! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼💕🐄🐂🥰😇

Emily Rushton
christine on 02 Jul 2024
Emily Rushton

Just saw your donation now and you've just completely made my day. This will go a huge way to helping these two. Thank you so so so much Xxx

Emily Rushton
Raewyn on 26 Jun 2024
Wishing Teddy the best out come.
Emily Rushton

Thank you so much, Raewyn Xx

Emily Rushton

Who's involved?

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Paying to a verified bank account of The Sherock Sanctuary Charitable Trust Board (Charity) on behalf of Sherock Animal Sanctuary
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This campaign started on 21 Jun 2024 and ended on 21 Sep 2024.