A family of 11 have just left Gloriavale with almost no possessions to start a new life in Timaru. Will you help them get on their feet?
This family has 9 beautiful children from 15 months to 16 years old. Their parents were born and raised in Gloriavale and haven't known life on the outside.
Gloriavale is a secluded, religious community on the West Coast of the South Island with over 500 members. They follow a simple system of living where all possessions are held in common. Therefore, when people leave, they often have very little to their names.
It's a very difficult decision to leave, and it means they may never see their family and friends again. They have to start their lives from scratch in an unfamiliar environment.
The father has secured employment which begins in a few weeks, so it would be amazing to be able to bless the family with vehicles.
The children can all play a variety of instruments and one of them is a particularly talented pianist. In fact, the whole family is very creative and have played pivotal roles in the well-known Gloriavale concerts - painting, costume designing, dancing, singing, playing instruments etc.
Securing and setting up a house can be an expensive exercise, and we are hoping to alleviate any financial stress during this uncertain time. We would be grateful for your prayers for the family and we thank you for any support you are able to offer.
Here's the link to the recent Stuff article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/news/106295198/former-gloriavale-family-is-moving-to-timaru-with-the-help-of-locals?cid=app-iPhone
We are currently hosting the large family who have left Gloriavale until we can organise suitable housing and transport for them. A group of us have been involved with ex-Gloriavale families for many years and feel blessed to be able to help them.
The family needs an 11-12 seater van to fit them all, along with a vehicle for Dad to commute to work. Funds raised will also be used to help set the children up for school (uniforms, fees etc), and to enable the family to move into a suitable house.
Moving House 20 September 2018
The Pilgrim family have moved into rental accommodation! 5 weeks after leaving Gloriavale with few personal possessions, the family of 11 have found a 4 bedroom house. With help and love from all over NZ they have now got furniture, kitchen gear, clothing, vehicles etc to begin their new lives. It has been a most humbling and overwhelming experience. Dad has started a new plumbing job and is enjoying that, and the kids have settled in well to school. All funds raised are wisely being used by the family to help them establish a life out here. They want to pass on their immense thanks to those who have supported them during this time of upheaval. The photo shows some of the people that helped them move into their house. What a great team!! God bless the kind people of NZ!