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Help two young kids make memories with their māmā

$20,534 donated
Given by 348 generous donors in around 6 months

At 28, Leah's two kids (aged 4 and 6) are facing life without their mum. Help them to make memories while she is still here.

Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui

In 2020, 26 year-old Leah had her hands full looking after her young son (2) and daughter (4) and dismissed the lump on her breast as just one of those things. It was only a chance mention to her GP on an unrelated visit that turned her world upside down.

Leah had an aggressive form of breast cancer (Stage 3), and fought it fiercely. She went through 6 rounds of chemo, removed both breasts and all of her right lymph nodes and had 15 rounds of radiotherapy. Finally, she was given the all-clear.

At the end of 2021, Leah developed a cough that wouldn’t go away. In July 2022, she learnt that the cancer had spread to her lungs and she now had Stage 4 terminal cancer. Without immediate treatment, doctors said she would only have a few months left to live, and with treatment - up to a year. Determined to make the most of her time, Leah embarked on a further six rounds of chemo.

In Dec 2022, Leah was found unconscious. She had a buildup of fluid around her heart, which meant it couldn’t pump against the pressure of the fluid. Doctors managed to stabilise Leah and drain the fluid. Since then, tests have shown that the cancer has significantly progressed in her lungs, and spread to her clavicle area, lumbar spine and pelvis.

In March, Leah was told that if she doesn’t restart treatment she only has weeks left. Leah has since restarted chemo, hoping that this will give her enough time to see her son Ezra turn 5 and walk into school with his big sister Maia (6) at the end of April.

Use of funds

We have set up this page to support Leah to make precious memories with her family while she’s still here, and savings to support Hayden to provide for their kids as they get older and navigate life without their māmā.

Latest update

Update   23 February 2024

Posted by: Leah Strongman-Horn

Hey everyone, Leah here 💛 Just an update on how things have been going. I had the best response to chemo and things cleared up in my lungs heaps (this was what was giving me that short prognosis). I had next to no side effects and was/still am able to live pretty much as normal which I'm so grateful for! This Wednesday just gone, I met with my oncologist to discuss the results of a CT I had a few weeks ago. Things are pretty stable but they noticed a little fluid around one of my lungs and also a small growth on my adrenal gland. This tells the docs that things are growing again. I'll be starting hormone treatment in a couple weeks time which involves having a monthly injection and taking a pill every day. Docs will know if it's working in about 1-2 months time..My mind is strong and I continue to stay hopeful.. Thank you to everyone who's been part of this crazy journey so far.. It's been a mish but so many lessons on lessons and blessings on blessings.. Sending so much love to you all xx ✨️ Leah

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Latest donations

Louise on 21 May 2023
Kia kaha mama
Meiqiao on 18 May 2023
Be strong
Metua on 06 May 2023
Luv & light Leah.
Jade on 04 May 2023
Thinking of you all ❤️
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 May 2023

Who's involved?

Lizi Guest's avatar
Created by Lizi Guest
Leah Strongman-Horn's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Leah Strongman-Horn
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This campaign started on 20 Mar 2023 and ended on 18 Sep 2023.