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Help two young kids make memories with their māmā

  • Update

      23 February 2024
    Posted by: Leah Strongman-Horn

    Hey everyone, Leah here 💛 Just an update on how things have been going. I had the best response to chemo and things cleared up in my lungs heaps (this was what was giving me that short prognosis). I had next to no side effects and was/still am able to live pretty much as normal which I'm so grateful for! This Wednesday just gone, I met with my oncologist to discuss the results of a CT I had a few weeks ago. Things are pretty stable but they noticed a little fluid around one of my lungs and also a small growth on my adrenal gland. This tells the docs that things are growing again. I'll be starting hormone treatment in a couple weeks time which involves having a monthly injection and taking a pill every day. Docs will know if it's working in about 1-2 months time..My mind is strong and I continue to stay hopeful.. Thank you to everyone who's been part of this crazy journey so far.. It's been a mish but so many lessons on lessons and blessings on blessings.. Sending so much love to you all xx ✨️ Leah

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  • Thank you so much 🙏🏼💛

      25 March 2023
    Posted by: Leah Strongman-Horn

    On behalf of Leah and her whānau, we would like to thank you all so much for donating and sending such beautiful messages of kindness and support. We are all overwhelmed with gratitude and love 💛

    Leah was meant to have her third round of chemotherapy yesterday but it has been delayed to this coming Tuesday due to her low white blood cell count. She continues to remain positive and hopeful, taking one day at a time.

    Thank you all so much again 🙏🏼

    Arohanui 💕

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