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Help us bring folk music front and centre in Aotearoa!

  • Onward! And thank you!

      8 December 2023

    We've finally jumped through all the necessary hoops and performed all the contortions necessary to secure a bank account! Consequently we're able to "onboard" ANZFA members. Go to and click on the membership link. If you wish your donation to be your first year membership, then contact me at when you apply and I will mark you as paid up. Many thanks, and I hope you start to see some ANZFA activity soon!



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  • Almost Up and Running

      31 May 2023

    Hi Givers, I'm aware it's been a long time with no update but I can confirm we are are now a fully fledged charitable trust and incorporated society. We've had a few online meetings of our Trustees and have started a bit of strategic planning. The biggest hurdle to get over now, believe it or not, is opening a bank account. There are many arcane hoops to jump through and we're in mid air right now. Hence your kind donations are still sitting in Givealittle until such time as we have an account to put it in.

    So, sit tight and thank you again. We hope to have a proper newsletter out soon to let everybody know what our plans are, including membership, the January 3rd concert in Dunedin again (2024) and some other exciting opportunities.

    Ngā mihi

    Mike Moroney

    for ANZFA

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