Help us bring folk music front and centre in Aotearoa!

$320 donated
Given by 7 generous donors in one year

Helping to build the folk music community.


The Aotearoa NZ Folk Alliance is a newly formed not-for-profit trust to promote folk music and related activity across the motu. You can check out our website to find out how we're doing this, but in short we need some funds to start our mahi. The process of setting up a trust is always expensive and the ANZFA trustees have stumped up to get us this far. We're excited about the opportunities and resources we'll be able to bring to the folk community to support the great work our clubs and festival organisers do.

Aotearoa NZ Folk Alliance's involvement (page creator)

Mike is a trustee (one of six) of ANZFA and has engaged professional assistance to form the trust and have it incorporated and registered as a charity. These documents are filed and we are awaiting registration.

About us

Mike has been a key person in the New Zealand folk music scene for over 30 years, both as a musician and a club and festival organiser. Mike established the Kiwifolk website in the very early days of the World Wide Web, and has maintained it as the go-to resource for local and international acts wishing to tour New Zealand or any other interested person wishing to explore the NZ folk scene.

In addition Mike has run an old-fashioned email list-server ( since 1993, which has become a much loved resource for the NZ folk community the world over.

Use of funds

Any funds raised will go directly to administration costs: legal and compliance, website development, media and publicity.

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Latest update

Onward! And thank you!  8 December 2023

We've finally jumped through all the necessary hoops and performed all the contortions necessary to secure a bank account! Consequently we're able to "onboard" ANZFA members. Go to and click on the membership link. If you wish your donation to be your first year membership, then contact me at when you apply and I will mark you as paid up. Many thanks, and I hope you start to see some ANZFA activity soon!



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Latest donations

Chris on 11 Jan 2023
Jude on 05 Jan 2023
Great idea! Happy to support this initiative.
Jenni on 05 Jan 2023
Great to be able to support this!
Janine on 04 Jan 2023
Chris on 15 Dec 2022

Who's involved?

Aotearoa NZ Folk Alliance's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Aotearoa NZ Folk Alliance (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 28 Nov 2022 and ended on 28 Nov 2023.