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Help us give Panda a chance to lead a normal life painfree

  • Panda update

      28 July 2024

    Panda is 7 weeks post op and is starting to return to normal life again with his walks slowly building up to normal and doing normal things this had been so worth it to see him happily wagging his tail and enjoying life again.

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  • 5 week post op

      20 July 2024

    Panda is doing fantastic his strength is slowly improving whilst he has a wee way to go this has given him back his quality of life.

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  • Panda today

      25 June 2024
    Main image

    Panda is 2 weeks into recovery and doing extremely well the vet is very pleased with how panda is going we are increasing the length of walk and adding another set of squats in thank you to everyone who has contributed to help us with this journey still a long way to go

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