With 0 Government funding, we rely on public goodwill to help meet our operational costs.
Our trust reaches local children from Dunedin - Oamaru - Omarama and inbetween.
Harold the Giraffe is well recognised and loved by the children. He is key to delivering our messages of health, mental wellbeing and nutrition as Maria (our qualified teacher) visits the schools.
We are our region's LEADING children's health provider. Supporting the health and wellbeing of children Is never more needed than in this year. Our reach with 1 teacher in 2019: 49 schools educating 5,714 children.
Harold the puppet is suffering from overuse, surgery is no longer an option and he needs replacement!!
The Coastal Otago Trust is part of a nationwide charitable organisation with 32 different regions. We cover the schools located from Dunedin through to Oamaru & Oamarama with our health and well being interactive classes
Replacing Harold. The replacement puppet is only available from our National Office at a cost of $1700. If we receive more money than required, we hope you will be satisfied with the application of funds to other teaching aids in our educational trailer.
A big thanks to all donors, every little bit helps keep us on the road! Harold