Life Education Trust - Coastal Otago

Life Education Trust - Coastal Otago

We need to find new funding streams to help keep our wheels turning! All contributions of any size appreciated with thanks.


Life Education children learn from a young age that never before in time and never again in time will there be another person like them, they're special; that their brain and body are magnificent; what the body's needs are; and that we all need to give respect and support to each other.

Independent research shows that our programme makes children feel valued, it motivates them to learn, it improves friendships, reduces bullying, and they change aspects of their lifestyle to be healthier and happier. We use teaching techniques that increase self esteem. 100% of your donation will be used to deliver the programme in your area.

Further information available on our website:

More about us

The Coastal Otago Trust is part of a nationwide charitable organisation with 32 different regions. We cover the schools located from Dunedin through to Oamaru & Oamarama with our health and well being interactive classes

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Latest update

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Maheno School visit 2022  27 March 2022

This was the first of the Network Waitaki trailer movements to Maheno School. Well done team.

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Who's involved?

Life Education Trust  - Coastal Otago's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Life Education Trust - Coastal Otago (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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