No mice detected since July 10.
21 August 2024There have been 0 mice caught over the past month! The first time since February of this year. Our recent extended high risk tracking card run (including response areas and any sites where there have been detections over the last few months) has also come back clear with no pest prints being detected! Last catch/detection was on July 10th. Response trapping remains in place in some places. These will stay active for a minimum of 6 weeks following the most recent detection in each area. While we’re not quite out of the woods yet it’s looking likely that we have successfully gotten on top of our mousey invaders!
A huge thank you to our awesome staff and volunteer team, to TKT and several corporate working bee groups. There were certainly times when this felt daunting/impossible, but our collective consistent efforts over the past 4 months have helped to bring Rotokare back to mouse free status, which is a significant achievement!
A huge thank you also to everyone who donated funds to help with this huge mop up operation. We really do appreciate your support.