Latest update - October 2021
24 October 2021So with COVID and delays on the ship we have had to wait a long time for our CNC Machine to arrive. Well fingers crossed, tomorrow our CNC Machine should be arriving into port at Auckland Harbour. It's a very exciting time for our whānau who are hurriedly waiting for the machine (pictured) to get to Wairarapa. We've been told it should be here in Wairarapa by late next week.
We were lining up a place to house the machine within on the main streets of Carterton, but due to some things outside of our control that has not happened. So some last minute warehouse viewing in the weekend and we have managed to find a place. We haven't signed any contracts yet but it's looking pretty promising. It's been a bit stressful having to find a place at short notice, it will cost us however the size of the warehouse means that we will be able to build our prototype whare inside the warehouse. Meaning that we won't be hindered by weather elements.
We will need to do some electrical work to extend out the 3 phase power we do need for the machine. We also need to find funds for lease costs and for the materials required to build the prototype whare. We're furiously writing funding applications to see if we can get some funds from other organisations to assist us. But all of these steps is moving in the right direction.
One of the things we do hope to do is to livestream the building of the prototype whare. We will be sending details out to all those that have donated to this cause so you can follow along the process from home too.
So we want to thank you from our whānau for all of your koha, sharing and kōrero.
Much love,
Amber Craig on behalf of Te Rua o Mahara Wairarapa and the Wairarapa whānau. <3