Help! We need a CD player to keep our communities on air!

$490 of $1,000 goal
Given by 10 generous donors in 20 days

Help Wellington Access Radio remove barriers & give our Wellington communities a voice!


Wellington Access Radio is the station that is BY, FOR and ABOUT our communities.

We exist to remove barriers to broadcasting and to make sure that everyone in our community gets a voice.

We have over 200 programme-makers, making over 80 programmes, in over 20 different languages. And we need your help!

A lot of communities that make programmes with us use CDs to create their shows. They often play music from their own communities that can't be found online, and some of these programme-makers don' t use computers at all.

But our CD player has broken and can't be fixed!

We're looking to buy at least ONE new CD player designed for studio use (ideally, we'd love a second one for back-up).

While many of our programme-makers do use digital technology, we want to make sure we continue to cater to those who don't.

Many of them have been making radio with us for years, and we don't want them to lose their voice.

Please donate to our campaign and help these communities keep broadcasting!

About us

Wellington Access Radio is the station that’s by, for and about our community. We’re a non-profit, grassroots charity which provides a platform of representation for groups not usually heard in mainstream media, alongside arts, music, and local culture.

Use of funds

We are aiming to buy one new CD player designed for studio use. If we raise enough, we will purchase a second CD player as back-up.

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Latest donations

Elizabeth on 24 Jun 2024
Thanks for your great work!
Wellington Access Radio

Thanks so much Elizabeth!

Wellington Access Radio
Katie on 21 Jun 2024
Good Luck, your station is awesome!
Wellington Access Radio

Thank you so much for your support Katie!

Wellington Access Radio
Creek on 21 Jun 2024
I love CDs!
Wellington Access Radio

OMG Creek - how very generous! Thank you!

Wellington Access Radio
Alice Paul
Alice Paul on 21 Jun 2024
Thanks for providing such an amazing service and for your hard work.
Wellington Access Radio

Thank you Alice! And thank you for all your amazing work.

Wellington Access Radio
Michael on 21 Jun 2024
Wellington Access Radio

Thank you Michael!

Wellington Access Radio

Who's involved?

Wellington Access Radio's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Wellington Access Radio (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 Jun 2024 and ends on 31 Jul 2024.