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Help Wellington Access Radio get community voices heard!

$1,000 of $1,000 goal
Given by 20 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help Wellington Access Radio increase their accessibility by purchasing speakers for their studio.


Wellington Access Radio is the station that’s by, for and about our communities.

We have over two hundred programme-makers, making over 80 programmes, in over 20 different languages.

And something that would really help them make media with us is a set of speakers for our studio.

Speakers mean that producers can communicate with their guests, and programme-makers can hear the songs and interviews they are playing. Speakers also make our space a lot more accessible for our programme makers that wear hearing aids or who are unable to wear headphones.

This is a studio that is used every day by a wide range of community members. Please help us turn it into an accessible space and help people get their voices heard.

About us

Wellington Access Radio is the station that’s by, for and about our community. We’re a non-profit, grassroots charity which provides a platform of representation for groups not usually heard in mainstream media, alongside arts, music, and local culture.

Use of funds

The money will be spent on buying two speakers to be fitted on the walls of our studio space. If we do not reach our goal, we will put the money we have raised towards the speakers and continue fundraising.

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Latest update

We are so close!  23 May 2023

Almost there - how exciting!

Thank you so much to everyone that has got us so close to our goal - we really appreciate it!

Our campaign ends next week and we're hoping to reach our target.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 May 2023
Wellington Access Radio

Thank you so much! You've got us to our goal!

Wellington Access Radio
Emma on 24 May 2023
Wellington Access Radio

Thank you so much Emma! Your support is really appreciated!

Wellington Access Radio
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 May 2023
Wellington Access Radio

Thank you anonymous Guest Donor! We are really grateful for your support.

Wellington Access Radio
Rose on 23 May 2023
Wellington Access Radio

Thank you so much Rose! We really appreciate it!

Wellington Access Radio
Rochelle on 16 May 2023
Wellington Access Radio

Thank you so much Rochelle! This is so generous.

Wellington Access Radio

Who's involved?

Wellington Access Radio's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Wellington Access Radio (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 3 May 2023 and ended on 3 Jun 2023.