COVID Medical Kits for Whānau
With COVID-19 Omicron now circulating in our communities and likely to spread quickly, we’re all being advised to prepare ourselves with at-home resources to support us should we catch the virus.
For many of us that is easily achieved by adding a few items to our weekly shop. But for whānau who are already struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis, there is simply no money left over to prepare themselves for the coming threat of Omicron.
At Who Did You Help Today, we would like to help whānau who contract COVID-19 by distributing COVID kits through our network of Homework Club schools. In usual times, we would provide volunteer support and resources to help akonga at these low decile schools with their learning but, since COVID reached our shores, we have moved to providing whatever assistance school principals and teachers tell us is most urgent.
With your kind support, we will put together kits with items such as paracetamol, ibuprofen (for adults and tamariki), throat lozenges, electrolyte replacements, hand sanitiser and tissues.
The contents of packs may vary depending upon the availability of stock (which is obviously challenging in the current environment), but we will make the packs available to schools for principals and teachers to provide to specific whānau who need them.
If you are able to help, we would very much appreciate your donation.
The Who Did You Help Today Trust became a registered charity (CC53191) in February 2016. The trustees are Stacey Shortall, Sarah Paterson and Rachelle Sutton. Who Did You Help Today operates 3 projects - Mothers Project, Homework Club and HelpTank.
Funds will be spent on items such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, throat lozenges, electrolyte replacements, tissues, masks and thermometers.
You made it possible! 2 May 2022
Thanks to the generosity of KidsCan and our supporters on this page, we have been able to deliver a massive 439 COVID Care Packs to whānau to support them through the initial wave of Omicron. We stand ready to go again should another wave arise over winter but, in the meanwhile, a heartfelt thanks from the Who Did You Help Today Trust and our partner schools for your support. Ngā mihi nui 🙏