Who Did You Help Today Trust

Who Did You Help Today Trust

All funds received support the mahi of the Who Did You Help Today Trust (CC53191) - Homework Club, Mothers Project (& Storybook) & HelpTank


Since 2016, the Who Did You Help Today Trust (WDYHT) has sought to develop innovative, grassroots solutions to create a more equitable and sustainable Aotearoa New Zealand.

Through its various initiatives - including Mothers Project, Homework Club and HelpTank - WDYHT connects people and workplaces with opportunities to make a positive and meaningful difference in their communities.

Donations received via Givealittle are used by the Who Did You Help Today Trust to help us maintain and grow our initiatives around Aotearoa New Zealand. Our main initiatives currently include:

o HelpTank, a digital matching platform connecting charities with skilled volunteers. https://helptank.nz/

o Homework Club, which partners workplaces with low decile primary schools to establish volunteer-led homework clubs to support children’s learning. https://www.whodidyouhelptoday.org/homework-club.

o Mothers Project, which sees volunteer lawyers assisting incarcerated women to maintain positive and meaningful relationships with their children. https://www.mothersproject.org/. Its sister initiative, Storybook, gives an imprisoned mother the opportunity to choose a picture book to send to her child, together with a recording of her reading it aloud.

As a volunteer-driven organisation, we are a lean operation that minimises overheads, but donations will go towards unavoidable day-to-day operating expenses to keep the helping happening. Donations are also spent on purchasing books for our Storybook project, meeting the needs of our Homework Club schools for resources such as puzzles, educational games, stationery and art and craft supplies and other ad hoc initiatives to help our Homework Club and Mothers Project communities.

We recognise and promote the value of helping others. The trust was named Who Did You Help Today because founder Stacey Shortall has been asking her children that question daily since they could talk. Stacey says that helping - regardless of whether the act is a small gesture or a big effort - makes a real difference to the lives of others and can transform our country.

We're a movement running volunteering projects; making it easier for more people to help others; and encouraging good deeds. Join us!

More about us

The Who Did You Help Today Trust became a registered charity (CC53191) in February 2016. The trustees are Stacey Shortall, Sarah Paterson and Rachelle Sutton. Who Did You Help Today operates 3 projects - Mothers Project, Homework Club and HelpTank.

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Mothers Project Christmas packs for tamariki  28 November 2023

Massive thanks to everyone who has donated so far - you are enabling imprisoned mothers across all three women's prisons to let their tamariki know that Mum is thinking of them and loves them (despite their physical distance as per the map below). More than 800 tamariki will benefit from your generosity.

We've still got a funding shortfall, so if you know anyone else who might be able to support our kaupapa, please spread the word! Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou 🙏

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Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted
Donors’ tax credits TaxGifted on 27 Jun 2024
This donation is from generous donors who opted in to regift their tax credits via TaxGift. Aren’t they awesome!
Vanessa on 13 Dec 2023
Mothers project
Who Did You Help Today Trust

Thanks so much for donating, Vanessa 🙏

Who Did You Help Today Trust
Odette on 12 Dec 2023
Who Did You Help Today Trust

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, Odette 💕

Who Did You Help Today Trust
Leah on 12 Dec 2023
Who Did You Help Today Trust

Kia ora Leah - thank you so much for your support ❤️

Who Did You Help Today Trust
Jeremy on 12 Dec 2023
Who Did You Help Today Trust

Ngā mihi nui, Jeremy - much appreciated 🙏

Who Did You Help Today Trust

Who's involved?

Who Did You Help Today Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Who Did You Help Today Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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