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Help with the cost of saving Kiya

on 5 Oct 2019

Ann asks

Hi Tammy After making the donation before reading this story, it touched my heart, we were moved by humbleness and the love we have for others pets, like our own, so if I may ask, does she have a direct bank account I could send her money, means my babies (3dogs and a cat) would like to donate $2000 to her on Tuesday (public holidays here Monday (Queensland, AU). This way she gets the whole amount and direct, not having to wait or get a cut taken out by foundation.


Hi Ann,

WOW!!! I really wish you had been able to hear Aviva's reaction when I read her this message! She was speechless, then burst out crying (which set me off too!). She was absolutely overwhelmed and didn't know what to say. That is just incredibly generous of you and she is so so grateful. Thank you so much! Blown away. She is just so so happy and grateful.

Her account number is Aviva Wood 01-0867-0195971-25

Sorry I only just checked my messages today. Thank you so much.

Tammy Jones

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