Kia ora everyone this page is set up to help Cheryl an whanau get maree to where she needs to be for treatments

$8,750 donated
Given by 224 generous donors in around 5 months

Maree is your typical teen striving to do the best she can to over come her diagnosis of a brain cancer called pontine giloma.

Hawke's Bay

In early September maree had a fall which has resulted in her having to seek treatment for a cancerous tumor.. the tumor is called a pontine glioma which is on the stems of her bran which affects some if not all of her natural motor skills affecting her speech her balance an many other aspects of her life, such a huge thing to overcome especially for maree an her whanau.. this isn't going to be an easy journey for Cheryl (Maree's Mother), maree or thier whanau but with huge hopes I really hope everyone can help them out in anyway possible big or small every little bit helps... they WILL be needing help with the cost of travel kai an at times other house hold bills due to goin from a two income whanau to a one income whanau an at times the odd bill for accommodation.... but if we can all do our part an help maree an help ease the whanau stresses by all means let's do this ... please donate what you can please help maree an her whanau ...all the best maree wishing you nothing but the best prayers are with you

Karla Wade's involvement (page creator)

I am an old friend of Cheryl's she took me in years ago an showed me nothing but love we have been through abit together but I have always held her an her tamariki near to my heart... I feel it's my turn to do what I can to help her karma baby she deserves nothing but the best as do her whanau but most of all maree

Latest update

Update on maree  14 February 2017

It's with great sadness that I update you all but early this mornin maree passed away peacefully... I'd like to send out a huge huge hhhuuuuuuggggeee thank you to everyone for your kind words of support an offers of help an advice as well an your generosity has overwhelmed both myself and marees whanau in a deep way... again thank you all

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"Guest Donor"
"Guest Donor" on 01 Feb 2017
We still praying for you sis and ur girl, we love you all stay blessed much alofas
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Jan 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 11 Jan 2017
Nellie-Ann and Sam
Nellie-Ann and Sam on 09 Jan 2017
Aroha rawa mai.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Jan 2017
Wishing you all the best

Who's involved?

Karla Wade's avatar
Created by Karla Wade
Cheryl Anniss's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Cheryl Anniss
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This campaign started on 17 Oct 2016 and ended on 10 Mar 2017.