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on 30 Aug 2017

Alison asks

Hi Saras my name is Alison Horwood I am a mother of two and have been a journalist for more than 20 years. My thoughts go out to you on the passing of your daughter last year. I am keen to make contact to do a story for Woman's Day, which can help your grandsons with their fundraising. My cell is 021 389 083 and my email is

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on 14 May 2016

Sarah asks

Hi Saras,

I am a practitioner from the Wairarapa which is around 1.5 hours away from Wellington. I read the article about your daughter and felt I needed to contact you. I have successfully treated people and animals for some serious fungal infections using a specific protocol developed in my clinic. I would like to try this for your daughter and am willing to provide the treatment free of charge as my way of "giving a little". I realise your daughter is classified as terminal, but I always feel that where there is life there is hope. If you feel it is appropriate I would like to meet with you as soon as possible to explain what is involved and how we would need to work. You can contact me on 021 2383875 and my clinic website is if you would like to check out who I am. Kind regards, Sarah Beesley MHD (Hons)


Thank you Sarah for this kind offer. Sadly Moreen has passed away, but it was thoughtful of you to suggest some options.

Saras Krishna

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