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Help! Daniel needs a lot of TLC

$13,885 donated
Given by 276 generous donors in 6 weeks

Raising money to support Daniel and his family during his cancer treatment


Daniel is a kiwi who has been recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma; he is currently undergoing intensive chemotherapy in Germany, the country where he was working as a Scientist at the time of his diagnosis.

Help, Daniel needs alot of TLC's involvement (page creator)

As Daniel’s fellow PhD students and colleagues, we have created this page to assist Daniel’s NZ-based family with travel costs so they are able to be with him during his treatment. Given Daniel’s cancer has caused severe damage to his hip that means he has to use crutches or a wheelchair, the funds will also be used to secure Daniel a comfortable flight back to New Zealand so he can continue his treatment at home.

Alexandra Medway- is one of our trusted colleagues who has kindly offered to set up a separate bank account in order to collect funds for Daniel and his family.

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Latest update

Update 6   25 September 2016

Back in New Zealand. So glad to be home with all my family and friends. Flight from Frankfurt to Auckland went well, notwithstanding getting 2 hours sleep in about 40 hours of being awake. But I coped well and had my lovely travelling companion, Pia, to help me along the way. Already started the third round of chemotherapy in Auckland; completely impressed by the NZ medical system – fast, friendly, advanced – I’m feel like I’m in even better hands than I was in Germany, which is pretty world class. Thanks so much to everyone who’s supported me through this and got me through the initial stages to get home. Now the hard work begins and we’re getting on with fighting this so I can get back to work next year.

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Latest donations

Cheyenne on 16 Sep 2016
All the best for a speedy recovery Daniel!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Sep 2016
Hoping for the best!
Alice on 11 Sep 2016
Guilhem on 06 Sep 2016
I didn't have time to visit you before to leave Franfkfurt, I wish you all the best, courage and good luck in your future ordeals.
Claire on 04 Sep 2016
Heal well and steadily x NZ

Who's involved?

Alexandra Medway's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Alexandra Medway on behalf of Daniel Chorley and his family
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This campaign started on 15 Aug 2016 and ended on 30 Sep 2016.