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Help! Daniel needs a lot of TLC

  • Update 6

      25 September 2016

    Back in New Zealand. So glad to be home with all my family and friends. Flight from Frankfurt to Auckland went well, notwithstanding getting 2 hours sleep in about 40 hours of being awake. But I coped well and had my lovely travelling companion, Pia, to help me along the way. Already started the third round of chemotherapy in Auckland; completely impressed by the NZ medical system – fast, friendly, advanced – I’m feel like I’m in even better hands than I was in Germany, which is pretty world class. Thanks so much to everyone who’s supported me through this and got me through the initial stages to get home. Now the hard work begins and we’re getting on with fighting this so I can get back to work next year.

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  • Update 5 from Daniel

      11 September 2016

    Update 5 – 9th September

    White bloods starting to fall but to a lesser extent for the second round. Not sure if they’re going to go up or down over the next few days but we’ve been good staving off any infection and keeping everything clean. We’re on track for flights out on the 18th September back to New Zealand. It’ll be really nice to see everyone before I go. Still got a few things to tie up here like furniture but all my Ozzy friends in Frankfurt have been amazing, helping me out with everything. Medical transfer to NZ been a little slow, but really hoping everything’s set up so I can hit the ground running when I arrive – gotta fight this the best I can.

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  • Update 4 from Daniel

      31 August 2016

    Update 4

    Chemo round 2 started today on schedule – tests and blood cell counts were looking good going into it. Was in the Hospital for 6 hours today getting my cocktail of 5 drugs. That is after they finally got the IV into a vein – fourth time was the charm. Feeling OK this evening. Two more days of chemotherapy and then gotta stay healthy for the weeks ahead. Started to look at flights back to NZ for before the end of September.

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  • Update 3 from Daniel

      26 August 2016

    Update 3

    Went into hospital again today to check my immune cell levels. Most of my immunity has returned to normal and while my platelet count is still low, they’re going up. At this point we’re on schedule to start the second round of chemotherapy on Tuesday next week, although final tests will decide on the day. Hopefully everything is fine, and then we can start looking at booking flights back to NZ – something that has only been possible with all the support of everyone out there. Feeling okay at the moment, but the next two weeks are going to be challenging again. The strangest thing is waiting to get sick again, but I’ve got lots of support and I think we’re prepared for the worst of it. Fingers crossed round 2 goes well.

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  • Update 2 from Daniel

      23 August 2016

    Update 2

    Out of the first high risk period today, with my white blood cell counts improving and my immunity returning. Still a bit of a way to go, but hopefully this means I’ll get a better week before we start the second (of 6) round of chemotherapy next week. Still in good spirits, although my hair has started to fall out. Got myself my first bandana on order for when I return to NZ.

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  • Update from Daniel

      20 August 2016

    Update 1

    It’s been just over two weeks since I was first diagnosed with PTCL-NOS lymphoma and it’s still a bit of a shock how quickly everything has happened. From what seemed like a trivial pulled tendon in my leg, my condition worsened quickly and now I am unable to walk with the cancer having destroyed my right hip. Despite how aggressive it is, we hope that they’ve caught it early and treatment here in Germany has begun swiftly.

    About three weeks ago, I was admitted to hospital with acute kidney failure as a result of hypercalcimia from the destruction of hip bone. Luckily, the cancer has not spread to the bone marrow or spine. I’ve started the first round of chemotherapy, luckily with minimal acute side effects, however I’m currently in the most dangerous phase where my white and red blood cell counts are extremely low and I’m at high risk of infection. We’re having to be very fastidious to clean everything, cook everything fully, and make sure as much as possible is sterile to prevent infection. It has been quite hard – often feeling run down and sore, but luckily there are no signs of infection yet. I’ve been receiving blood transfusions and regular care (along with a bucket-load of pills) to keep me in fighting order. Some days are harder than other, but I’m staying positive.

    However, following the devastating news, I have been overwhelmed by the support, care, and amazing messages from all the people in my life. It has been so heartwarming to see how much people care. I feel very looked after. My parents came out to Germany to look after me during the initial diagnosis and I’ve had amazing friends like Pia and Steph who’ve stayed by my side are cared for me when I was at my worst. Looking forward to getting back to New Zealand (hopefully at the end of September if everything goes well) to continue my treatment and see all my friends and family. The money raise here so far has been more than I had ever imagined. So much thanks to Sandhya and Alex for setting it up. This is a huge stress off for me and my family and will be used for flights back to New Zealand, medical costs, and rehabilitation (or reconstruction) of my hip once I have beaten the cancer so I can get back to work. Thanks to everyone who has supported me.

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