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Dottie's Medical Fund!

  • It’s time for your dental and annual checks, Dottie!!

      17 March 2024
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    Thank you all so much for your support and following little Dot!

    Since her MRI and engaging Dr De Pompa, Dottie has been stable neurologically. Our fingers are crossed she remains this way!!

    Our recent concerns (after it was raised by her medical team) have turned to those front limbs. Dot is almost 5 years old. Each birthday is tainted with an little anxiety as we know her little body wasn’t exactly “built to last”.

    Dot’s forearms have began to cause her pain and she lets us know. Plus they are turning out more. Thursday (07/03/24) I came home to see Dot wasn’t herself and limping. It reminded me I must forgo my medical anxiety and book her in. Last vet visit we discussed with her vet booking Dottie in for:

    * Anaesthetic + Dental check and x-rays +/- a dental clean or extractions +

    * Blood panel for health +

    * X-rays of forearms

    We know a rough estimate is $1,200-$2,000 approx. if her teeth are good. Plus depending on the number of xrays taken (First being $170 then approx $100ea and dental ones $300-ish).

    So this is what we’ll use any media work funds and this medical account for next - we want to be sure to update you guys about what she needs, why, when, for transparency.

    In terms of life updates: please check out Dottie’s instagram for the most up to date information! We post there daily and on stories numerous times a day. It can be difficult to remember to update all the various pages but you’ll always get updated Dottie there!


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  • The Time is Here!

      9 May 2023
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    After some time waiting, Dottie is all booked for her MRI - It will be the evening on Thursday 11th May, here in Christchurch.

    As you may remember, last year we went all the way to Auckland (as they have the canine Neurologist and a high field scanner) but this year, a new machine has been added, within our very City!

    We've been chasing progress on booking for a couple weeks. Sh*t happens, it looks like our paperwork got lost! But nevermind, the date has been set for us now. Although it seems a little fast, it's OK. She's got this.

    Dottie will be having a scan of "two areas" (ie. the brain and spine) on Thursday evening. We feed her breakfast as normal and her meds, and then we have to listen to her grumpiness for the rest of the day until dropping her off for the scan! (ie. no lunch or treats).

    The vet will sedate Dottie, the radiologist will consult with Dr DePompa and take the images on the day. Then they'll be sent to the USA doctor to review and we book a consult with him to discuss. We have asked our NZ vets and radiologists to "work in" with the Miami Doctor, as we really need someone who specialises in these conditions. Having him on board last year changed EVERYTHING for Dot and her quality of life.

    We want to know:

    a) Has her chiari-like malformation progressed?

    b) Has her spinal cord constriction increased?

    Why does Dot need an MRI?

    Please take a look back at the blog on her website for an in depth explanation of Dottie's conditions and recent health update. But, in short, we need to know whether these recent seziures (episodes) are a sign that either of her two most serious brain/spine conditions are worsening.

    That information will lead us to be able to prepare and/or possibly adjust her meds if she needs.

    How can I help?

    Please send alllllll your positive vibes and thoughts to Dottie this week. Every last one! All anesthetics carry a risk, especially with such a complex little dog. But she is tough, and we have faith in her. We will try to update you all ASAP that evening on her status - as I know there will be so many people watching and waiting.

    The cost of a MRI is approx $5k alone. But also adding in her meds, and a full bloods panel for the day. The next big expense is the international consults ($1k each time) We have saved funds to contribute, but Dottie's GiveAlittle helps us greatly. It means we don't have to worry about accessing money urgently if she needs something extra, or estimates come in over price.

    So if you are able and willing - you can contribute to Dottie's medical fund. Please check out or here, via the GiveALittle link.

    Anything surplus is just kept in Dottie's own account that we opened for all her GiveAlittle funds, as we are now learning, this will likely be an annual test so we might as well continue saving in there all year round.

    Expensive dog, but worth every penny. My smallest, sassiest, best-bud <3

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  • Update 10/04/2023

      10 April 2023
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    Hi all,

    Hope you are well and thank you all for donating to Dottie’s Givealittle page and for caring about our little lady.

    Well, this week has been a bit crap tbh! Firstly, being concerned about her seizures reappearing and then as a result, re-living this whole where do we go for treatment and a MRI nightmare again. Now our house has been hit with a gastro bug (for both human and pups).

    Briar was pretty sick for 24 hours, but she was back up in the morning like nothing happened. I got a little 24-hour dose and Pepper too. But Dottie is going on two days now.

    We find Dottie is ok during the day, but both nights we’ve been up from midnight – 6am with her letting her outside, cleaning up vomit and giving butt-baths. Poor little critter! She’s a bit miserable, but picking at her meals and taking all her medicines. But she’s tough, so I hope she will be back to her normal demanding self in a couple of days.


    Progress wise, when it comes to this MRI/checking her CM and spinal cord issue, this week we have:

    a) Sent off a couple of emails to her vets/specialists about where we go from here. Suggested plans and asked for help locating what we need.

    b) Taken Dottie to visit our local vet here for an all over check and discuss a MRI plan with them.

    c) Sent off an email to Pacific Radiology too – They organise all the MRI scanners so will hopefully be able to let us know where the correct scanners are located. We wondered – if we could get her MRI done (locally) perhaps we could just send the images off to Dr De Pompa this time, without the need for a NZ radiologist report or neurologist.


    Costs-wise we are looking at -

    1. Each consult with Dr De Pompa in the USA (via Zoom) is $1000 NZD. We probably need 2-3 of these.

    2. MRI costs will be approximately $4000-5000 NZD (depending on where it's done and whether extra image regions are required)

    Not sure what pet insurance will cover this time when it comes to Dot. They don’t pre-approve anything, so you just go through with it, pay, then submit the documentation and hope it’s accepted. Anything that does get approved, we put back into her medical account because (as we are learning) there will always be a next time. But we do know Dottie’s pet insurance won’t cover any fees relating to Dr De Pompa (as he’s not a NZ vet). This is why we are saving again into her personal account to fund what we can and have set up this GiveALittle to help with ensuring she can access everything ASAP.

    Last year, the trip itself was expensive, let alone the medical costs, so if we do it locally, we will hopefully save more to be used for the next time.


    So atm we continue to wait for replies, because it has been Easter and I realise everyone needs time off and things are closed. Plus Dottie couldn’t be safely sedated atm with a gastro bug. But if we don’t hear back after a week or so, I’ll start pestering people by phone to firm up a plan. Of course, I’ll let you know more as we go.

    Thank you again, to everyone who has donated, shared her page and sent their kind wishes and love. We know Dottie holds a special place in a lot of people’s hearts and it is really comforting to have a community of people who all care about her outcome as much as we do.

    As always, if you have any queries – please DM us via Dottie’s insta!

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